WPA Annual General Meeting 2019

Held on Saturday, 15 June 2019 at the Kapiti Pétanque Club at 10:00 am


The President, Graeme Millard, welcomed all members to the meeting.

Club Delegates


Graeme Millard (President), Barbara Nicholls (Horowhenua), Peter Foxall, Linda Husband, Vaughan Husband (Manawatu).


Margret Fleck, Myles Cowper (Hataitai); Graeme Morris (Masterton); Claire Bradburn (Silverstream); Christine Strichen, Claire Wilson (Wanganui East); Colleen Horton, Bob Horton (Upper Hutt); Judith Smith (Manawatu).

Confirmation of Minutes

The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 16 June 2018 were taken as read.

Correction to the Minutes, on the last page the heading should read Umpiring not Coaching.

Moved Val Clark, seconded Noeline Corley - Carried.

Matters Arising

There are been no feedback from APA/WPA regarding Chanticleer Cup.

President's report

The President's report was taken as read.

Moved Graeme Millard, seconded Liz Rocks - Carried.

Financial Report

Michael spoke to the Financial Report that had been circulated to clubs. He had asked for all trophies to be brought to the meeting so that they could be put on the Asset List and he would take photos of any. None were brought to the meeting. He will write to clubs re the Trophies that they hold.

Linda congratulated Michael of his handling of the Term Deposit and the interest that they were getting in this low interest rate era.

Moved Michael Rocks, seconded Vaughand Husband - Carried.

Tournament Subcommittee Report

As there was nobody from the Tournament Subcommittee to comment on the report to answer any questions the meeting would accept the report as being read but will be approved at the next committee meeting.

Moved Noeline Corley, seconded David Corley - Carried.

Election of Officers


Graeme Millard


Noeline Corley

Minute Secretary

Val Clark


Michael Rocks

As a group all above were approved.

Subcommittee Appointments

Tournament Sub-Committee

Graeme Morris and Clare Wilson

Liz Rocks moved and seconded by Linda Millard that Michael Rocks be appointed to the Tournament Sub-Committee.

Regional Coach

Graeme Morris

Moved Noeline Corley, seconded Linda Millard. Carried

Regional Selectors

Affiliation Fees

That affiliation fees for 2019-20 year be:

Payment of affiliation fees to be paid on Club membership as at 31 August 2019 by 15 September, 2019.

Moved Michael Rocks, seconded David Corley. Carried

It was mentioned that there were some members that were not affiliated before the Tournaments were played and that some clubs were a bit slow to send their lists to Michael.

It can be arranged that more members of the association can get emails so that they are aware of their obligations and not rely solely on their Secretary.

Tournament Entry Fees

That entry fees for 2018-19 be:

General Business

Before the rest of the fees were considered there were a number of motions to be heard before fees could be set for the tournaments.

Increase in Tournament Allowance

Moved Carleen Fitzgerald/seconded Peter Foxall

When hosting any tournaments under the WPA umbrella all clubs should receive $3 per day per person with a minimum of $30 per day.

After a great deal of discussion this motion was withdrawn.

Vote on Membership applications by Bay View and HBLTS

Moved Michael Rocks/seconded Tony Simpson

That the WPA vote on the Application for Membership by the Bay View and HBLTS and Petanque clubs.

This motion was withdrawn with the expectation that it will be resolved at the next committee meeting. A sub-committee has been set up to review the Constitution to see if it needs to be changed to accommodate the HB Clubs. Graeme Millard will co-opt somebody else on this sub-committee and a resolution be found at the next meeting.

Noeline asked that the report be sent out to clubs 2 weeks prior to the next meeting so that it can be finalised as the HB Clubs have been waiting for the last 6-7 months.

Trophy allocation

Moved Michelle Maxwell on behalf of Claire Bradburn/seconded Linda Millard

Michael spoke to the motion and said that $6130 was collected from entry fees and $3441 was spent on trophies, engraving and winners' shirts which is nearly 60% now before the increase in spending. Michelle suggested that the meeting vote on the prizes not the financial side.

Michelle suggested that the Tournament Sub-Committee decide the prizes to be allocated once the entries are received. Michael suggested that the motion be withdrawn and the Tournament Sub-Committee reconsider and return at the next meeting.


Moved Michelle Maxwell on behalf of Claire Bradburn/seconded Noeline Corley

Claire is suggesting that $150 be given to every club for coaching purposes and her proposal was circulated with the Agenda.

Tony thought that $150 was too much for clubs and if money was to be given it should be on a per capita basis as some clubs were a lot larger than others.

There was a lot of discussion around this and most thought that clubs and their members should be responsible for the payment of coaching.

This motion was rejected 9 against and 2 for.

Reimbursement of Expenses

Moved Kevin McFadgen/seconded Michelle Maxwell.

Kevin McFadgen and Michelle Maxwell had prepared a paper which had been circulated to clubs earlier in the year.

Michelle spoke to the report saying that as the sub-committee was asked to make recommendations only and they should be referred to the next meeting.

Moved Michael Rocks/seconded Noeline Corley

Tournament/Event Payments

That Payments/Re-imbursements for 2019-20 be:

Moved by Michael Rocks. Approved, 1 against

Surplus Funds PNZ Coaching

PNZ have a surplus of funds from the coaching held earlier in the year and have asked whether to return to WPA or hold as a donation. It was decided that we accept the money and distribute it amongst the participants.

Michael to write to PNZ asking for the return of the money.

Meeting closed at 1:05pm

Val Clark
Minutes Secretary