WPA Annual General Meeting 2020

Held on Saturday, 4 July 2020 at the Silverstream Pétanque Club at 10:00 am

Club Delegates

Other Attendees

Carleen Fitzgerald, Barbara Nicholls (Horowhenua); Bruce McDonald (Naenae); Brian Bradburn, Rachel Clarke (Silverstream); Adrienne and Dave Gwerder (Upper Hutt).


Margret Fleck, Myles Cowper (Hataitai); Sheryl McFadgen (Kapiti); Noeline and David Corley, Judith Smith (Manawatu); Peter Mathews (Silverstream).

Confirmation of Minutes

The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 15 June 2019 were taken as read.

Moved Kevin McFadgen, seconded Val Clark - Carried.

Matters Arising


President's report

The President’s report was taken as read.

Kevin spoke to the Report (which had been circulated to all clubs) and highlighted some of the issues and thanked the committee members and official and thanked Graeme Millard for his work before departing for Timaru and also the work that was carried on during the Covid19 lockdown.

Moved Kevin McFadgen, seconded Claire Bradburn - Carried.

Claire thanked Kevin for taking over from Graeme Millard.

Financial Report

Michael spoke to the Financial Report that had been circulated to clubs. Income was down due to the Women's Tournaments being cancelled. Michael moved that the refund from PNZ for when Kant Petchaboon be distributed as follows $120 to Horowhenua for hosting the event and $10 to each player who participated.

It was pointed out that this could not be voted on at an AGM but will be referred to the first Committee Meeting.

The Report was moved Kevin McFadgen, seconded Claire Bradburn - Carried.

Claire thanked Michael for his work as Treasurer.

Claire asked Michael had there been an increase in members, but Michael replied that membership had stayed static.

Tournament Subcommittee Report

This Report has been circulated to all clubs. The Haines Cup was not contested as Hawke’s Bay could not get a team together.

Moved Graeme Morris, seconded Paul Bonsey - Carried.

The Tournament Subcommittee will decide how many rounds of the Pointing and Shooting Competition to be held during the season.

Clubs to be asked about umpiring.

Election of Officers


No nomination received


No nomination received

Minute Secretary

Val Clark


Michael Rocks. Moved Kevin McFadgen, seconded Tony Simpson - Carried.

If there is no nomination for President according to the Constitution the Association will be wound up. Kevin will stay as President until a Special General Meeting to be held within 5 weeks.

Moved Claire Bradburn/seconded Graeme Morris - Carried

Subcommittee Appointments

Tournament Sub-Committee

Graeme Morris, Clare Wilson and Michael Rocks.

Moved Kevin McFadgen, seconded Dave Gwerder - Carried.

Claire thanked the sub-committee for their work.

Regional Coach

Graeme Morris was appointed Regional Coach for another year.

Regional Selectors

Graeme Morris, Kevin McFadgen and Shirley McDonald

Graeme handed around a proposed coaching plan which is to be sent around to the clubs for their comment.

Affiliation Fees

That affiliation fees for 2019-20 year be:

Payment of affiliation fees to be paid on Club membership as at 31 August 2019 by 15 September, 2019.

Michael moved an amendment to the Affiliation Fees that club membership be calculated as at 31st July and fees paid before 15th August, 2020.

Seconded Claire Bradburn - Carried

Amended motion Moved Michael Rocks/seconded Val Clark - Carried

Tournament Entry Fees

That entry fees for 2018-19 be:

Two-day tournaments

One day tournaments

Club tournaments

Payments and Re-imbursements

Moved Val Clark/Bruce McDonald - Carried

Asset Stocktake

There was only one trophy brought to the meeting but Michael was able to ascertain where most of the trophies and non-cast assets were based.

General Business

An enquiry was made about whether or not Zoom meetings could be held for each Committee Meeting and Claire has offered to check this out.

Meeting closed at 3:25pm

Val Clark
Minutes Secretary