Held on Sunday, 16 May 2019 at the Silverstream Pétanque Club.
Graeme Millard
Graeme Millard (President), Noeline Corley (Secretary), Barbara Nicholls (Horowhenua).
The minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday, 16 February 2019 were taken as read.
There were two corrections
That the assets would be inspected yearly, not the Executive.
Moved Noeline Clark, Seconded David Corley.
Graeme Morris has spoken to Richard Turfrey regarding his concerns about the Mixed Doubles results and a letter will also be written.
David Corley spoke about the letter from Susan Gibson. It was agreed the only concern of WPA was the mixed Doubles Tournament re seeding points.
A letter is to be written to Bay View and Hawkes Bay Clubs advising that their application is still being looked at as the Constitution will probably have to be changed at either an AGM or a Special Meeting.
It was moved that the President form a sub-committee of three members to look at a solution. Moved Graeme Morris/Seconded David Corley
Michael reported that this Report is basically the same as what would be presented at the AGM next month. There were only a few outstanding amounts.
Claire asked about the Non-Direct Expenses and Inter-Region Expenses and Michael handed out an in depth copy of all the accounts.
Claire asked about authorisation for Term Deposits. Michael advised that he checks the rate prior to the rollover towards the end of each term. At present he uses his discretion regarding the best rate.
Moved Michael/Seconded Noeline Corley
The Report was table at the meeting. Moved Graeme Morris/Seconded David Corley
It was moved that the Tournament Committee be responsible for the seeding list which should then be put on the website. Moved Claire Bradburn/Seconded David Corley
The Chanticleer Cup is scheduled for August 24/25 and Noeline will send out notes of interest from clubs as to whether they would like to hold this event.
Graeme Morris will contact Auckland re the terms of the Chanticleer Cup.
Carleen suggested that a flat rate of $3 per person per day be paid by the WPA to the club hosting WPA events. Graeme Morris and Claire Bradburn advised Carleen to write out a motion and present it at the WPA AGM is June.
It was agreed that the meetings held in the winter should be on a weekend day during daylight hours i.e. May and July/August and the other months i.e. November and February should be held at night as is the custom now.
Prior to the meeting Claire Bradburn distributed a Trophy Report for all clubs to look at before the AGM which is attached.
Meeting closed at 9:30pm
Val Clark
Minute Secretary