Held on Saturday, 16 February 2019 at the Otaki Pétanque Club.
Graeme Millard
Graeme Millard (President), Noeline Corley (Secretary), Claire Wilson, Shirley Madwick, Tony Simpson (Wanganui East), John Galbraith, Patricia Galbraith (Masterton), Ann Hogg (Otaki), Ngaire Eriksen, Barbara Nicholls (Horowhenua).
Val Clark (Otaki), Simon Grant (Naenae), Margaret Fleck (Hataitai).
The minutes of the last meeting held on 8 December 2018 at Otaki were taken as read.
Moved Linda Millard, Seconded David Corley.
Michael queried the reporting in his report on the Awarding of Trophies and medals for tournaments.
Many present suggested the report was correct. It was agreed this would be discussed in General Business. Claire Bradburn/Christine Strichen
Michael spoke to his Statement of Financial Performance as at 31 January 2019.
Assets belonging to WPA need to be bought to the 2019 Annual General Meeting. This includes all trophies and equipment. Assessments can be made on condition so replacements or repairs can be carried out.
Claire Bradburn commented that the trophies were all in good repair apart from some that had been cleaned with Brasso instead of a silver cleaner.
Myles suggested the executives should inspect assets yearly.
Graeme Morris distributed copies of his report.
He commented that Otaki appears to be the place for the Open Triples as more teams participated than when at Manawatu.
Inter Club 2019 was very successful and the new introduction of the Golden End (where a draw occurs the winners played the winners) was received with mixed feelings. A comment had been made on the day that it would be more befitting if the losers played the losers.
Graeme invites feedback on all aspects of Inter Club for 2020. Many thought played over one day was good.
Claire Bradburn spoke on the purchasing of Trophies and Medals. Claire reported that when the change was made in 2017 to lower tournament fees it was pointed out that loses for one day and women's tournaments could occur. She asked the question was the running of tournaments Wellington Petanque's Fund raising?
Noeline suggested that 3rd prize medals given in the lower divisions of a tournament was a starting point for newer players to success. Tony debated 3rd prize in the bowl does it encourage others when 5= in the Trophy receives nothing.
Claire Bradburn to put Motion to the AGM in conjunction with Tournament Sub Committee on the allocation of Trophies and Medals. Claire Bradburn, David Corley
Kevin read the Subcomittee’s report (already sent to all clubs).
Items rose from the report;
There was a discussion about Hawke’s Bay clubs joining as Associate members of the WPA. This would require a change to the Constitution as Associate Membership had a different meanig to what is being proposed.
Graeme Morris proposed that we offer Bayview Petanque Club and Hawkes Bay Lawn and Tennis Club Associate Membership of the Wellington Petanque Association
This allows them to play in the Wellington Petanque Championship Tournaments. This excludes:
Moved: Graeme Morris, Seconded: David Corley. Carried with 2 against, 1 abstain.
John Galbraith spoke to his letter of concern of Tournament results on the Website with WPA and PNZ. He suggested all clubs should receive copies. Also Petanque Promotion needs to be undertaken. This letter was acknowledged.
Vaughan Husband presented a motion to the meeting by letter.
The motion is to delay any vote till after the PNZ AGM to bring in any clubs from any other regions in Petanque New Zealand list of clubs, as from the questions answered from Bayview and HBTL Petanque club. The member from HBTL indicated that he would put a proposal in the PNZ AGM to dissolve the Central region (Petanque New Zealand list of clubs), making the move or talk of any move from a different region not needed at this time.
Graeme Morris asked for a replacement set of boules to make up the original twelve sets. He explained that one set had gone missing during a session with a school. It will be a plain set, 660g. cost being from Richard Browne $165.00 plus postage of $13.00.
Proposed: Graeme Morris, Seconded: Claire Bradburn. Accepted
Sub Committee Report - Regional Coaching & Umpiring - Reimbursement of Expenses
Kevin McFadgen spoke to the report prepared by him and Michelle Maxwell. Items rose from the report:
Kevin and Michelle to bring back a discussion paper back for next meeting.
Graeme Morris handed out a paper objecting to the Treasurer’s proposal to return surplus funds to member clubs.
Graeme Morris asked for Clubs to consider his proposal.
Items rose from proposal
Not discuseed
Meeting closed at 6:35 pm.
Noeline Corley