Held on Sunday, 11 August 2019 at the Otaki Pétanque Club.
Graeme Millard
Barbara Nicholls (Horowhenua).
Simon Grant (Naenae), Kevin McFadgen (Kapiti), Michael Rocks (Khandallah).
The minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday, 16 May 2019 were taken as read.
Moved Val Clark, Seconded Noeline Corley.
Graeme Morris reported that the seeding list has been made and has been passed to Moises to put on the website.
The Treasurer’s Report was taken as read and approved. As Michael was not present his notes are attached with the Treasurer’s Report.
Moved Clare Bradburn - seconded David Corley.
Graeme Morris noted that the Treasurer’s remarks concerning any financial aspect impact will have to be on the basis of subject to a review by the Treasurer should not have any influence as it was the decisions taken by the committee as a whole that should be approved.
All tournament dates and venues have been decided and put on the website.
Moved to be accepted Graeme Morris - seconded Clare Bradburn
There is an issue with the Singles competition as it is being held prior to the closing date for filing and paying for affiliated members.
It was moved due to the anomaly of the due date for the payment of affiliation fees being set at 15 September and the first tournament set to be played on the 13, 14 and 15 September that any player who was affiliated to the WPA through their club at 31/8/19 to be eligible to play in the tournament. Any player who joins a club between 31 August and the closing dates for these events be accepted after proof of club membership and payment of the WPA Affiliation Fee.
Moved Graeme Morris - seconded Val Clark
It had been mentioned at the AGM that there were a number of umpires available throughout the region for club but not for Regional Tournament. It was suggested that Barbara Whittington could help upgrade club umpires as the Region did not have any non-playing Regional Umpires.
Graeme Morris suggested that there may be some people who would be willing to run a tournament and not play.
The Tournament Sub-Committee Report for the AGM had been received at the AGM but not accepted.
It was moved by David Corley - seconded Clare Bradburn that this be approved.
A review will be made at each Regional Tournament and a report be made as to whether any changes need to be made. Claire had done a survey with the Senior Tournament.
The teams for the Chanticleer Cup has been chosen and are on the website. A budget of up to $600 for lunches for both teams for two days was set, noting that it may not all be used.
Moved Margret Fleck - seconded Tony Simpson
The Remit submitted at the AGM regarding trophies for Tournament was approved.
Moved Clare Bradburn - seconded David Corley
An amendment to the remit is: that the increase of 55% instead of 60% on entry fees be used for trophies.
Moved Clare Bradburn - seconded Graeme Morris
Graeme Morris suggested that the Assistant Coach for the Chanticleer Cup (Tony Simpson) be paid to attend the Tournament but this was declined by Tony.
This paper was issued in January and tabled at the AGM. It was moved to be accepted with the exception that the mileage be 30cents per km instead of 50c per km for umpires and coaches.
Moved Graeme Morris - seconded Linda Millard
Approved by a majority - 1 against.
Graeme Morris reported that he had asked David Corley to umpire at the Chanticleer Cup but as he is only a Club umpire Claire Bradburn has offered to umpire as well.
These applications were declined by a majority, 2 in favour.
It was moved that it remains as the Status Quo i.e. that Hawkes Bay club members can apply to join any club in the Wellington Region. (This will entitle them to play in the WPA Tournaments.)
Moved Margret Fleck - seconded Claire Bradburn. Approved by majority 2 against.
Noeline will write to the clubs to inform them of this decision.
It was agreed that Michael should try and arrange for the signatories for cheques be changed to the President, Treasurer and the Secretary.
A moments silence was observed for the passing of Liz Rock and the wife of Brian Smith.
Meeting closed at 12:30pm.
Val Clark
Minute Secretary