Minutes of Committee Meeting, 7:30pm, 18 February 1999


Phil Doyle (Hataital)
Peter &Helen Ball (Kapiti)
Neil &Brenda Dykes (Khandallah)
Graeme Morris &Ralph Priddle (Masterton)
Barbara Whittington (Park Avenue)
Lindsay Skinner (Porirua)
Tim Lovell-Smith &Marsha Donaldson (Silverstream)
Brian Smith (Upper Hutt)
Gerard Pinguet &Peter Evison (Wellington)


Dirk Winnie (Upper Hutt), Lyn Skinner (Porirua)

Minutes 19.11.98

Matters arising

Business House Tournament - No luck at this stage. Neil to try again in October or November.

WPA Championship

WPA Doubles for 2000 to be held in the 2nd week of March.

WPA Triples to be held at Park Ave (20 &21 March). Kapiti terrain will not be ready in time.

Agreed that WPA Championships remain two day tournaments. Tournament Committee to sort out format etc for Triples.

Jacques Cochonnet Club Challenge

Trophy purchased with sponsorship ($300) from Jeff Kennedy of Caffe L'Affare. Agreed to keep to one challenge per month. First challenge between Kapiti and Porirua to be played on the 21.2.99.

Winter Interclub for 1999

Agreed to same format as last year. Start in May finish September. Every 3rd Sunday. Suggestion that the final could be spread across two months and finish in October. To investigate.

NZPA Report

Brian explained why he resigned as President of the NZPA.

Moved: "That the WPA notes with regret the resignation of Brian as President. The WPA acknowledges his contribution to the NZPA and supports his decision to resign". Moved: Graeme, Seconded: Phil, Passed.

National Triples, Easter 1999 (3rd &4th April)

WPA agreed to put on the triples. Letter to NZPA to confirm decision and proposed social event. "Specialty Spit Roasts Catering Company" to do catering. Require $200 deposit and a minimum of 40 people. Park Avenue to provide barbecue food etc during day.

General Business


Gerard expressed concern regarding the disregard of rules during tournaments.

Moved: "That the WPA endorse Gerard's comments and confirm that tournaments will be played to the International Rules as adopted by the NZPA & WPA". Moved: Ralph, Seconded: Peter, Passed.

Links with clubs outside the Wellington region

Agreed any links with clubs outside the Wellington region would be of an informal nature. No affiliation. However concern was expressed at the drop in membership being experienced at the Palmerston North Club. Suggested that they could affiliate to the WPA. To contact Palmersto North.

Park Avenue terrain

Park Avenue commended on the new surface on their terrain.

Getting our tournament results into the media

Graeme said that Masterton have a "media person" (Barbara Johnston) who has been generating excellent media coverage in their local newspaper. Phil suggested Daphne Hendrie for the position of WPA Media Liason person.

(Note: Daphne contacted me and has accepted. Thanks Daphne).


The club very active with pétanque in schools. 100 pupils from Kapiti Pnmary School recently involved in playing pétanque.

Brian W Smith

Club Meeting Days

Wellington: Informal
Park Avenue: Sun 1:00 pm
Khandallah: Wed 1:00 pm, Fri night 6:30 pm, Sat & Sun 1:00 pm
Silverstream: Sun 1:30 pm, Wed 1:30 pm, Fri 6:30 pm
Masterton: Sun 2:00 pm, Wed 6:00 pm
Kapiti: Mon 1:30 pm, Wed 6:30 pm, Thurs 1:30 pm, Sun 1:30 pm
Hataitai: Wed 1:30 pm, Sun 1:30 pm
Upper Hutt: Wed 6:30 pm, Sun 1:30 pm