Minutes of Committee Meeting, 7:30pm, 9 October 1997
Phil Doyle (Hataitai)
Peter Ball (Kapiti)
Neil & Brenda Dykes (Khandallah)
Don Pettett & Dawn Stanley (Lower Hutt)
Ralph Priddle & Graeme Morris (Masterton)
Trevor Smith (Porirua)
Alex McKenzie (Seatoun)
Leon Crosse (Silverstream)
Brian Smith (Upper Hutt)
Gerard Pinguet (Wellington)
The WPA Committee welcomed Alex McKenzie (Seatoun Pétanque) to the meeting. There are now 10 clubs in the Wellington region.
Gary Wilson (Masterton), Helen Ball (Kapiti).
WestpacTrust Games Sunday 12th October, Park Avenue
- 30 teams of triples entered from various businesses and organisations.
- Round robin, 5 pools of 6 teams, 2 pistes per pool.
- Park Avenue providing food etc.
- 9:00 am start.
- Each piste to be supervised. (at least a dozen people have volunteered to help)
- Invoice the organisers. ($18 per team and $6 per person for food).
Interclub Triples: Playoffs and prizes
- Plate playoff: Suggested 2 life elimination format rather than straight knockout. Brian to draw up format. Format for top 5 teams already agreed.
- Playoffs spread over 2 days (29 & 30 November). Saturday 29, assemble 12:30 pm for 1:00 pm start. Sunday 30, assemble 9.3Oam for 10:00 am start.
- Prizes: 1st & 2nd in top 5 playoff, trophies provided by Obut. WPA to provide 3rd place medals. Plate playoffs, WPA to provide figurines for 1st and medals for 2nd. Overall winner of round robin, trophies to be provided by WPA.
- Park Avenue to put on BBQ Saturday evening. Club bar will be open. BYO food.
Hawkes Bay Classic, Labour weekend
Entries close 20.10.97
WPA Internet Home Page
Peter Ball discussed his proposal for putting the WPA and Clubs on the Internet. Meeting agreed to go ahead. WPA to pay costs etc.
Proposed Interclub competition for 1998.
Brian outlined the proposal
- Doubles competition
- Competition split into sections
- 3 rounds, starting May and finishing in September
- Entry fee $10 per double. Entries by 31.3.97
- Teams to receive a copy of competition format and rules (Brian to draw up)
- Meeting agreed to go ahead with proposal.
Event calendar
Calendar updated. To be sent out ASAP. Calendar to be dated.
General Business
Gerard raised the question of tournament umpires or arbitors to quickly sort out rule interpretations and stop disputes etc. Gerard, Brian and Leon were nominated by the meeting. They will arbitrate at tournaments and interclub competitions. Meeting agreed that some tution on the rules would be valuable. Sessions to be organised.
Loan of boule
Don to borrow boule for Park Avenue's Open Day 9.11.97.
Graeme to borrow boule for school tournament.
Brian W Smith