Minutes of Committee Meeting, 7:30pm, 15 April 1999


Daphne Hendrie &Janet Partridge (Hataitai)
Peter &Helen Ball (Kapiti)
Neil &Brenda Dykes (Khandallah)
Ralph &Alison Priddle (Masterton)
Barbara Whittington (Park Avenue)
Lindsay Skinner (Porirua)
Tim Lovell-Smith (Silverstream)
Brian Smith &Dirk Winnie(Upper Hutt)
Gerard Pinguet &Peter Evison (Wellington)


Lyn Skinner (Porirua), Graeme Morris (Masterton)

Minutes 18.2.99

Moved: Brenda, Seconded: Lindsay.


WPA Triples Championship: Format OK. Meeting agreed to stay with positive points differential.

NZPA National Triples Championship: Everyone enjoyed the event. Great atmosphere. Dinner and prizegiving a success.

Next meeting to discuss: Ideas re national tournaments.

For example, hold over 3 days, hold regional qualifiers and send so many teams from each region etc. What degree of involvement should the NZPA and the host region/club have in organising a national tournament? Could club delegates put their ideas on paper and forward to the Secretary before the next meeting. Proposals to be forwarded to NZPA.

Meeting moved: "That the WPA apply to the NZPA to hold the 1999 NZPA Doubles Championship". Moved: Ralph, Seconded: Dirk, Passed

Suggested dates: 27 & 28 November 1999. Secretary to write letter to NZPA offering to hold Doubles Championship.

WPA Championship Entry Form

Meeting agreed to Conditions of Entry. Added "no late entries accepted" and "entries only accepted on entry form". Add space for "club". Confirmation of entry (and receipt of entry fee) to be sent out.

Jacques Cochonnet Club Challenge

Format working well. Hataitai current holders of trophy.

WPA 1999 Interclub Doubles

Clubs to coordinate and seed their teams. Team list and entry fees to forwarded to Secretary.

Meeting moved: "That the final day in September be held at the Kapiti Pétanque Club terrain". Moved: Dirk, Seconded: Ralph, Passed

1999 WPA AGM

Meeting agreed to hold the AGM on 17.6.99. Start at 7:00 pm, followed by normal committee meeting. Ask Peter Whittington to audit accounts.

WPA Resource Manual

Draft copy given to Gerard, Dirk, Graeme and Peter for comments etc.

Media Contact

Daphne to contact freelance journalist, Ian McLeod re work for WPA.

Calendar Update

Dates for next WPA Championships

General Business

NZPA Report

Meeting congratulated Graeme, Brenda and Barbara on their election to the NZPA Committee. Everything so far points to a much more productive NZPA Committee.

Bay View Pétanque Club

Geoff Greer suggested that a number of Wellington players might like to come to Bay View to give them a work out before they go to the World Championships. Meeting suggested that any invitations should be on a personal basis. Neil to contact Geoff.

Club Reports

Brian W Smith

Club Meeting Days

Wellington: Informal
Park Avenue: Sun 1:00 pm
Khandallah: Wed 1:00 pm, Fri night 6:30 pm, Sat &Sun 1:00 pm
Silverstream: Sun 1:30 pm, Wed 1:30 pm, Fri 6:30 pm
Masterton: Sun 2:00 pm, Wed 6:00 pm
Kapiti: Mon 1:30 pm, Wed 6:30 pm, Thurs 1:30 pm, Sun 1:30 pm
Hataitai: Wed 1:30 pm, Sun 1:30 pm
Upper Hutt Wed 6:30 pm, Sun 1:30 pm