Fay Doyle (Chair), Beverley Mason (Secretary), Brian Smith (Treasurer)
Hataitai - Gerald Bryan, Margret Fleck, Maureen Wood
Horowhenua - see apologies
Kapiti - Kath Alison, Kaye Alison, Myles Cowper, Graham Hooper, Jan McHardy, Pat Scholes
Khandallah - Elizabeth Rocks, Michael Rocks, Dirk Winnie
Manawatu - Barrie Sinclair, Ngaere Sinclair
Masterton - Graeme Morris
Otaki - Gary Brunton, Robert Wilde, Shirley Wilde
Park Avenue - no representative
Silverstream - Claire Bradburn
Upper Hutt - Kathy Taylor, Alison Zuppicich
Wanganui East - Yvonne Futcher, Richard Turfrey
Windy Hills - Sebastien Merval, Nikki Winnie
Fran Beach (Upper Hutt), Bill Lidstone (Horowhenua. The apologies were accepted.
The minutes of the meeting on 19 October 2006 as circulated were taken as read and approved. Graeme Morris, Jan McHardy, carried
The minutes of the Special General Meeting held on 23 November 2006 were taken as read and approved.
The sub-committee appointed to review the Rules has not yet met but will do so before the next meeting. Myles Cowper noted the length of time since the special meeting and felt the sub-committee could have done something before this.
The two teams to contest the Trans Tasman Match with Australia in April have been chosen. There are seven players from the Wellington Region.
Murray Porter was very pleased with the success of this event, the first national seniors doubles held.
There did not seem to be a lot happening round the country for the promotion of the game. It was suggested that PNZ be asked to distribute information in plenty of time for clubs for future promotions.
Claire Bradburn said that Silverstream will have a new date arranged for their 10th Anniversary Triples as soon as possible.
Letter from Liz Rocks applying to affiliate a new club named Pacific Paradise. Myles Cowper suggested this would be another breakaway club and asked how it would benefit WPA. Liz explained that the club will consist of a group of women from around the district who have never played the game before. There will be no immediate benefit to WPA apart from payment of fees and this is merely a group of people being introduced to the game. Gerald Bryan commented that no sport, including WPA, can afford to be exclusive.
Moved Gary Brunton, seconded Gerald Bryan that the Pacific Paradise Club be affiliated to WPA, carried with one vote against recorded by Myles Cowper.
Masterton hadn't paid their inter-club entry fee until now and the Treasurer reminded clubs that fees should be paid well ahead.
Moved Brian Smith, seconded Kath Alison that each of the 7 players representing the Wellington Region at the Trans Tasman be given $200 towards expenses, carried.
These were held at Park Avenue under sometimes trying conditions.
A very successful event at Horowhenua Pétanque Club.
This was a one day event and worked well. The 2007 Open Triples will be held on 2 December.
The challenge in December 2006 was hosted by Manawatu and won by Hawkes Bay. Manawatu will again host the 2007 challenge on 9 December.
Myles asked that a letter of thanks be sent to the Manawatu club.
The President said that when clubs indicate they will participate in the Inter-club it is hoped they commit for every round. She said that some Jacques Cochonnet dates conflict with inter-club but clubs involved must arrange dates suitable for challenges, otherwise they must adhere to the specified date.
Brian Smith suggested perhaps holding the inter-club over a shorter period and Kathy Taylor apologized for the inconvenience to Margret Fleck with their default on 17 February. Margret advised that 15½ points are being given to each club defaulted against.
Moved Claire Bradburn, seconded Graeme Morris that Margret Fleck be thanked for her hard work with the inter-club, carried.
To be held 17/18 March. Park Avenue to be asked to host this event.
Dates and venues discussed and decided as follows:
Singles - Sunday 11 March at Otaki
Doubles - Sunday 29 April at Wanganui East
Triples - Saturday 28 April at Manawatu
Clubs who have had two club championship events since the last C of C events and before the dates named are eligible to enter both those teams. This will happen only this year as the dates have been altered. Clubs are reminded of the need to play their club events two weeks prior to the regional events.
The 2006 Winter doubles were over 4 rounds with players entering individually and paying a $5 entry fee which entitled them to play in every round or as many as they wished. This seemed to work well so Fay and Brian will work out dates and format for this year and advise clubs.
Horowhenua to be asked to host this event on 13 May.
This year's events will be on 26/27 May at Kapiti. The WPA is happy to take over the running of these two championships.
To be held 29/30 September. Park Avenue will be asked whether they will host this event.
To be held 27/28 October. As the National Doubles Championship has been allocated to the Wellington region it is preferable to hold both the Regional and National Doubles at the same venue. Horowhenua will be contacted to see whether their club will host these championships.
To be held 24 October. Kapiti is willing to host this event.
In the event of Horowhenua not being able to hold the National and Regional Doubles, Kapiti will take them over and Horowhenua will then be asked to host the Seniors Doubles.
Regional Representative Michael Rocks read his report.
Mid-winter doubles will be held on 2/3 June.
10th Anniversary on 25 August and are hoping to have a doubles tournament. They have 3 new members and are joining in a promotion on 25 February. No decision from the Council, as to where they will be moving.
The club has 10 pistes which will be extended to 12 for the 48 teams entered in the Masters Games. They have 30 adjunct members and there are two other clubs in the district, Gonville with 28 members and St Anthony's with four.
Hosted the Baine Trophy last weekend, a competition between Silverstream, Upper Hutt and Park Avenue which they won for the first time.
An email has been sent to Christchurch asking if they wished to hold this again but no reply received as yet.
Dirk Winnie reported that a tentative date of 14 July has been pencilled in at this stage.
A proposal is on the website.
Fay has spoken to Neil Goodwin and David Lippard will be invited down.
A number of people have received their manuals which they are studying and are waiting for the written examination which Neil Goodwin is organising.
The meeting concluded at 9:40 pm.
Beverley Mason