Fay Doyle (Chair), Beverley Mason (Secretary)
Hataitai - see apologies
Horowhenua - Bill Lidstone
Kapiti - Kath Alison, Kaye Alison, Helen-Mary Foley, Graham Hooper, Jan McHardy, Pat Scholes
Khandallah - see apologies
Manawatu - Barrie Sinclair, Ngaere Sinclair
Masterton - Graeme Morris
Otaki - Gary Brunton, Bob Wilde
Park Avenue - Clive Williams
Silverstream - Tony Packer
Upper Hutt - see apologies
Wanganui East - Richard Turfrey
Windy Hills - Sebastien Merval, Nikki Winnie
Brian Smith (Treasurer), Claire Bradburn (Silverstream), Liz and Michael Rocks, Dirk Winnie (Khandallah), Kathy Taylor, Alison Zuppicich (Upper Hutt), Margret Fleck (Hataitai). Apologies were accepted, moved Richard Turfrey, seconded Graeme Morris.
The minutes of the meeting on 15 February 2007 as circulated were taken as read and approved. Graham Hooper, Pat Scholes, carried
The sub-committee has discussed the rules of the Jacques Cochonnet competition, the consensus being that basically the rules are okay as they are with one or two minor adjustments. First that if a club holds the trophy for a complete round then for the next round challenges are played at the challenger's club. If the trophy is still held for another complete round it goes back to the holder's territory. Secondly for each challenge the holder will give 3 dates for the challengers to choose from and if agreement can't be reached then the challenge goes to the bottom of the draw.
The recommendation is that the rules be rewritten putting in the two suggestions, copies to be sent to clubs then discussed at the next meeting.
The majority of those intending to do the umpires exam have sat the theory and practical tests will be arranged.
Only 6 or 7 replies have been received from clubs so far. Coaching sessions will be held on 19/20 May, probably at Kapiti.
On 14 July in Wellington. Same selection process as for the Wellington/Hawkes Bay challenge. Each team will consist of 12 persons. Eligibility for the Wellington team will be that the player will have to have played in a Regional Tournament in the last 12 months. Players who are not already on the list should contact Dirk Winnie.
This could possibly be in September with the Canterbury team coming to Wellington.
That the outward correspondence be approved and the inward received, moved Gary Brunton, seconded Barrie Sinclair, carried.
In the absence of the Treasurer there was no Financial Report.
The fifth round will be played at Kapiti on 21 April and the last round at Park Avenue on 5 May. As Horowhenua and Otaki play each other in the last round they would like to play at a venue nearer home instead of having to go to Park Avenue. They will need to get in touch with Margret Fleck who is organizing the competition. In case of inclement weather on either the 21 April or 5 May the 12 May was decided upon as a reserve date.
Dates for this year's Winter Doubles are 10 June, 1 July, 29 July and 19 August. The format will be the same as 2006 with entry fee of $5 each. Players may play in all 4 rounds or as many as they wish.
To be held at Manawatu on 28 April. Six confirmed entries so far with the possibility of a further 2. Start time 9:00 for 9:30 am.
These will be at Wanganui East on 29 April. 9:30 for 10:00 am start. Five entries received so far.
Entry forms are being prepared and will be sent out shortly.
Michael Rocks had prepared a report on the PNZ Annual Meeting which was copied and given to clubs.
Graeme Morris referred to the split in the Central Region i.e. Hawkes Bay clubs incorporated into the Wellington region and the remaining Central region clubs to the Auckland region. He felt this would be unwieldy and wondered whether PNZ have made any suggestions as to how it is to be carried out. More information is needed.
Tony Packer reported that the pistes are to be taken up as they have set rock hard and need turning over.
Clive Williams said that his club is in very poor shape as their membership has fallen to such an extent that they are not making enough money to pay the Bowling Club the amount agreed upon at the formation of the club. They desperately need new members or the club may fold.
The club has been approached by the Council to share rooms with a Croquet Club and are happy for this. They now have 24 pistes.
Entry forms are out for the Mid-Winter Doubles at Queen's Birthday weekend.
Requested that the names of tournament winners in the paper and the website reflect their club's membership as one or two lately have not.
Two quotes have been received for new pistes which will bring their total to 16. Membership is good.
The Council is desirous of selling the land which includes the Bowling Club and Pétanque Club. The Tennis Club is able to stay where they are for another 5 years. Pétanque could relocate to the Northern Bowling Club where it will have 16 pistes, each 4m wide. They will have to negotiate with the Bowling Club regarding use of their club rooms. If things go well the move could be in June/July. AGM in two weeks.
Held their first competition apart from the Masters Games, between Manawatu, Horowhenua, Otaki and themselves. They are quite keen to have a general competition about November this year, maybe a melee.
The Memorial melee is now on 5 August. Two members have sat and passed the umpiring theory exam.
Dirk Winnie has requested that permission be given for the formation of a new club to be called Massey Club, with the focus on families and younger players. The meeting was not against this in principle but felt that as some of the present clubs need more members to remain viable, it was not a good idea to form more clubs. Fay will ask Dirk to come to the next meeting with more information.
Richard Turfrey asked whether dates could be advised to clubs well ahead to enable planning. Fay pointed out that the 2008 National Tournament dates are on the calendar on the website, and regional tournaments will be held two weeks before hand. Clubs should hold their championships two weeks before the Regional competitions. It was agreed that dates for 2008 Champion of Champions Events should be set earlier.
Graeme Morris said he will be documenting the history of Pétanque in New Zealand from its inception in 1993. This will be in two parts, the first being from Clubs, history of how they evolved, stories of the early days etc. The second, a history in New Zealand from information gathered including winners, people who have run the sport etc. At some stage clubs will be asked for their input.
The PNZ notes from Michael Rocks said that hopefully clubs are well advanced in their planning for this special day. Kapiti will have displays in two local Libraries.
The President declared the meeting closed at 9:10 pm.
Beverley Mason