WPA Special General Meeting held on Thursday 23 November 2006 at the Silverstream Pétanque Club


Fay Doyle (Chair), Beverley Mason (Secretary), Brian Smith (Treasurer)
Hataitai - Peter Dennett, Margret Fleck, Maureen Wood
Horowhenua - see apologies
Kapiti - Kath Alison, Kaye Alison, Myles Cowper, Graham Hooper, Jan McHardy
Khandallah - Michael Rocks, Dirk Winnie
Manawatu - see apologies
Masterton - Graeme Burnard, Barb Johnston, Graeme Morris, Tom van Bodegraven
Otaki - see apologies
Park Avenue - Karepa Mataira
Silverstream - Claire Bradburn
Upper Hutt - Kathy Taylor, Alison Zuppicich
Wanganui East - no representative
Windy Hills - Dean Norman, Susan Norman, Sebastien Merval, Nikki Winnie


Gerald Bryan (Hataitai), Ralph Priddle, Claire Wilson (Masterton), Barrie and Ngaere Sinclair (Manawatu), Gary Brunston, Bob Wilde (Otaki), Nyra Bentley (Horowhenua), Monica Smiler (Park Avenue), Owen Davie (Silverstream). The apologies were accepted moved Graham Hooper, seconded Claire Bradburn, carried.


The President welcomed everyone to this special meeting which had been called by the Masterton Petanque Club and supported by Windy Hills, Silverstream and Upper Hutt Clubs.


Selection Process Of National Teams By Petanque New Zealand

Graeme Morris, Masterton said his concern with the selection process was that, with a PNZ meeting this weekend, WPA clubs had not fully considered the matter in particular the proposal by Michael Emerson.

Moved Graeme Morris, seconded Margret Fleck “That the Wellington Region support a team concept for NZ team selection.”

Speaking to the motion Graeme said the idea of team selection is good and there is a need to move on from the current system. Myles Cowper said he hoped PNZ, in their wisdom, would put out several options for consideration by regions.

Amendment - Moved Claire Bradburn, seconded Graham Hooper that the words: “and that PNZ come back to regions with their preferred options for more discussions” be added at the end of the motion. The amendment was put to the meeting and carried.

Dirk Winnie spoke against the motion and advised that he has forwarded a proposal of his own to PNZ for the meeting this weekend (attached). Myles said that the motion, if passed, should be communicated to PNZ as it is understood they have several other proposals to consider. Graeme Morris said that the motion is for a team concept but he personally supported what Dirk has proposed.

The motion “That the Wellington Region support a team concept for NZ team selection and that PNZ come back to regions with their preferred options for more discussion.” was put to the meeting and passed with 5 votes for, 2 against and 1 abstention (Park Avenue).

The Wellington Region representative on PNZ Michael Rocks spoke advising that there will be a representative of each of the 5 regions in the country at the PNZ meeting this weekend with each region having voting rights based on the number of affiliated players. Wellington region has 5 votes, Auckland 4, Central 3, Southern 3 and Canterbury/Tasman 2. If other regions do not support Wellington's motion there is nothing he will be able to do to sway the vote. He also said that a decision will be made on Saturday with no further consultation with regions.

The Jacques Cochonnet Trophy Challenge

The President explained the difficulties being encountered with the dates on which challenges are played, in particular between Khandallah and Masterton clubs. Fay said she took full responsibility for putting the challenges on hold as she felt it would give clubs time out but this had not happened - hence the special meeting. Fay also apologised if she made a wrong decision but she had had the best interests of the WPA at heart. The President then invited one member from Masterton and Khandallah clubs to speak, each to have 5 minutes.

Graeme Morris from Masterton said their challenge on 11 November was not able to be played because Khandallah was unable to field a team. Although Khandallah had advised several alternative dates, none of which were suitable, the club wished to proceed with the set date of 11 November. There had also been a problem with dates in 2005 resulting in Masterton being defaulted.

Dirk Winnie said it would be nice to know what Masterton actually want. He appreciated the reasons for the WPA Executive putting the challenges on hold until the matter of dates had been resolved. He apologized for any disharmony and would like the matter to be resolved.

Peter Dennett, co-founder of the trophy with Gerald Bryan of Hataitai outlined the background and how the challenge came about (Original proposal presented in early 1999). The cup was donated by Jeff Kennedy of Café L’Affare. Discussion resulted in the suggestion that the match between Khandallah and Masterton be played as soon as possible and it was agreed that the challenge will be played on the 9 December which means that subsequent challenges will be put back a month and are as follows:

Windy Hills - February 2007; Upper Hutt - March; Silverstream - April; Otaki - May; Kapiti - June; Park Avenue - July; Wanganui East - August

Discussion then centred round the rules under which the challenges are played. Michael Rocks had prepared a paper with the original rules, updates and changes which have come about over the years and some of which have not been implemented. Several speakers spoke on the playing date set down as 2nd Saturday of each month and Kathy Taylor said she would like to see the words "or otherwise by mutual agreement" removed. Dean Norman said it is not so easy to play on a specific date each month.

It was moved Claire Bradburn, seconded Graeme Morris “That in future the Jacques Cochonnet challenge be on the 2nd Saturday of each month and if this is not acceptable to either the holder or challenger it can be played on the following Saturday”, moved Claire Bradburn, seconded Graeme Morris.

The motion was put to the meeting and lost, 3 votes for, 4 against and 1 abstention.

It was moved Graham Hooper, seconded Susan Norman that the words “In the absence of a mutually agreed acceptable alternative date the 2nd Saturday will remain as the scheduled date” be added to the end of the clause in the Rules on the playing date.

Amendment - moved Graham Hooper, seconded Susan Norman that the words “3rd Saturday” be substituted for “2nd Saturday”. The amendment was put to the meeting and carried 7 votes for 1 against.

The motion “Matches will be scheduled for the 3rd Saturday of each month, or otherwise by mutual agreement. In the absence of a mutually agreed acceptable alternative date the 3rd Saturday will remain as the scheduled date.” was put to the meeting and carried unanimously.

Matches from February 2007 will now be played on the 3rd Saturday of each month.

It was moved Graeme Burnard, seconded Margret Fleck “that players must be financial members of a club affiliated to the WPA”.

Michael Rocks said affiliation to WPA is membership of a club at 31 December and if a player joins a club after 31 December he/she is not financial. Graeme Burnard considered that it was only necessary for a member to pay his/her club subscription and be given a receipt or membership card.

Amendment - Moved Graham Hooper, seconded Dirk Winnie that the word “financial” be deleted. The amendment was put to the meeting and lost 2 votes for and 6 against.

The motion was put to the meeting and passed 7 votes for, with 1 abstention (Khandallah).

It was moved that Dirk Winnie, Peter Dennett, Graeme Morris and Gerald Bryan update the rules for Jacques Cochonnet challenges and incorporate any amendments that have been passed over the years and circulate to clubs, carried.

Michael Rocks distributed a paper for future consideration on the Jacques Cochonnet Challenge

The meeting concluded at 9.45pm

Beverley Mason