Fay Doyle (Chair), Beverley Mason (Secretary), Brian Smith (Treasurer)
Hataitai - Margret Fleck
Horowhenua - Bill Lidstone
Kapiti - Kath Alison, Kaye Alison, Myles Cowper, Graham Hooper, Jan McHardy
Khandallah - Michael Rocks, Dirk Winnie
Manawatu - Barrie Sinclair, Ngaere Sinclair
Masterton - Graeme Morris
Otaki - Gary Brunton, Bob Wilde
Park Avenue - see apologies
Silverstream - Claire Bradburn
Upper Hutt - see apologies
Wanganui East - no representative
Windy Hills - Sebastien Merval, Nikki Winnie
Park Avenue, Upper Hutt. Graeme Morris, Michael Rocks, Dirk Winnie (for lateness). Accepted
The minutes of the meeting on 17 August 2006 as circulated were taken as read and approved. Moved Claire Bradburn, Seconded Gary Brunton, carried.
Venue confirmed as Kapiti Pétanque Club. It is hoped to have entry forms sent out by the end of October. Entry fee will be lower than that for National Championships.
Fay Doyle and Rex Hayes are working on getting 12 names for coaching early in 2007. Umpiring handbook will be ready shortly. Barrie Sinclair asked whether clubs can arrange coaches for their own club and were told they can do this.
Regarding the reply from Pétanque NZ, Margret Fleck said that PNZ should have been looking at sending a NZ team even if there is no official Australian team and that PNZ is not seeing the big picture. Claire Bradburn commented that it was pleasing to see some reason given and Graeme Morris felt that the explanation given was reasonable but questioned why it wasn?'t given before. Michael Rocks said the original reason was that there were not enough players available to make up a team and the tournament may not even happen because of Australia?s refusal to host. President Fay Doyle said the letter was written to PNZ at the request of the clubs and a reply received and she hoped that PNZ will note Clubs were not happy and will do better in future.
Financial statement presented. Treasurer Brian Smith said that the income and expenditure show a slight deficit at present but monies have still to be banked from the WPA Singles and WPA Seniors Doubles.
Entries close on the 21 October. Brian Smith is not able to attend so will require someone else to do the scoring etc.
Horowhenua confirmed they will host this event. Entries close on 20 October.
10 clubs advised their preference for this year?s competition with a majority voting for last year?'s format. Dates are 18 November 2006; 27 January 2007; 17 February 2007; 24 March 2007; and 21 April 2007, reserve day 5 May 2007. Venues to be divided between Horowhenua, Kapiti and Park Avenue who will be asked to advise which dates will suit. The competition will be organized by Margret Fleck who will email and ask clubs to advise by 27 October whether they will be entering a team.
3 December. Entry $15 per team. Suggested venues Horowhenua and Otaki who were asked to advise if they are able to host the event.
The closing date for applications for CEO of PNZ is 31 October. Michael said the next Council meeting will be on 25/26 November and any items for discussion should be forwarded as soon as possible.
Lost their Cochonnet challenge against Khandallah. Hataitai were not happy with the way the draw was done as names were not drawn in the way they have been done in the past.
Melee on 27 August attracted 32 competitors. Club Singles championships won by Oskar de Jong. A group of elderly people had a morning of Pétanque on Monday as part of the "Golden Games" involving several different sports including bowls and pétanque.
Club Singles won by Ralph Priddle and Club doubles by Claire Wilson and Joan Miller. Have commenced twilight summer events.
Two successful Jacques Cochonnet challenges have been held since the last meeting. They disputed the claim by Hataitai that the draw was against the rules.
Reasonable number of entries in their club singles and doubles. One more possible member.
A very quiet time at the moment. Intend to enter a team in the Inter-club.
Have lost 3 members but gained 5 new so now have a total of 35 with 6 or 7 bowlers. Have had their singles and doubles championships. They have permission for 6 extra pistes which could be 6-18 months away depending on funding. Local paper proving good for publicity. Pot luck teas being held on 1st and 3rd Thursdays.
They have four new members and have held Women?s Singles, Men?s Singles and Doubles championships. They are using local paper and radio for good publicity. Not so good news is that the Council wish to sell the land they occupy. Tournament on 19 November has been cancelled.
Quietly working their way through their club championships. Another block of pistes is being put down at present. Membership building again.
The sponsors of the Clash between several sports in Canterbury and Wellington did not renew their funding this year so this year's event did not eventuate. The meeting agreed that a Pétanque match could take place at another time possibly in conjunction with another event and contact should be made with Canterbury Pétanque regarding this.
The President will contact Murray Porter and Manawatu will check on the availability of their facility.
Clubs to be asked which of their players would be interested in being selected and Dirk Winnie said that there should be some sort of transparency at regional level. This was endorsed by other speakers. A sub-committee consisting of Myles Cowper, Dirk Winnie, Graeme Morris and Fay Doyle was set up to look into this. However, there may not be able to be any transparency regarding selection of an inter-region team for the Hawke Bay-Wellington challenge. (Draft Proposal)
Bill Lidstone asked what is being done by PNZ and Michael said clubs were emailed some time ago. Myles intends to promote the by playing Pétanque at Waitangi Park in Wellington on Wednesday evenings in the summer. Fay suggested a group of players picnic at Waitangi Park during the week. Michael advised that there will an International Pétanque Day on 7 June 2007.
Claire suggested that, as well as results, fixtures be included in the Dominion Post. Michael will see if the paper would be willing to do this and said that fixtures need to be in a particular format and be in by a certain time.
Sebastian outlined the contents of a letter he has sent to PNZ.
Michael said that the page on club details needs to be reviewed and requested clubs update their contributions and let him know the changes.
PNZ have received several proposals besides the one by Michael Emerson concerning the selection of New Zealand teams and these will be discussed at the November Council meeting. Clubs were also asked to advise their opinions on Michael Emerson?'s proposal.
The meeting concluded at 9:45 pm.
Beverley Mason