Daphne Hendre & Janet Partridge (Hataitai)
Fay Doyle & Ken Howard (Kapiti)
Neil & Brenda Dykes (Khandallah)
Graeme Morris & Alison Priddle (Masterton)
Barbara Whittington (Park Avenue)
Tim Lovell-Smith (Silverstream)
Brian Smith & Dirk Winnie(Upper Hutt)
Gerard Pinguet & Peter Evison (Wellington)
Lindsay, Lyn & Helen Skinner (Porirua), Ralph Priddle (Masterton)
Moved: Brian. Seconded: Brenda.
No matters arising.
It was suggested that the WPA set up a travel fund. The fund would be used to assist Wellington regional representative teams with costs involved in travelling to tournaments within New Zealand or overseas. The money would come from a percentage of all tournament fees.
Moved: "That the Wellington Pétanque Association set up a travel fund to assist Wellington regional representatives with travel costs". Moved: Brian; Seconded: Janet; Passed
Moved: "That 20% of all WPA tournament fees be allocated to the WPA Travel Fund". Moved: Brian; Seconded: Gerard; Passed
Moved: "That 20% of the 1998 revenue from WPA tournament fees be used to set up the WPA Travel Fund". Moved: Brian; Seconded: Barbara; Passed
REVENUE Affiliation Fees $400.00 Tournament Fees: WPA Singles $240.00 WPA Doubles $480.00 WPA Triples $400.00 WPA Interclub $560.00 $1,680.00 TOTAL REVENUE $2,080.00 EXPENDITURE Tournament Trophies $1000.00 Internet Fees $65.00 Stamps $120.00 Miscellaneous $60.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURE $1,245.00 EXCESS REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE $835.00 Travel Fund $336.00
In future any dispute over an entry to be referred to the Tournament Committee.
Holder to offer 5 dates (at least 3 weekend dates) to challenger. If no decision can be made, Graeme to be the final arbitor.
Brenda to compile statistics on the growth of pétanque. Clubs asked to provide information eg. when the club started, number of members for each year, number of terrains etc. Statistics to be used to show local bodies, funding providers and sponsors etc just how much pétanque has grown in the region.
WPA Resource Manual completed. WPA clubs to each get a copy. Manuals available to other clubs and individuals. Cost: $25.00 (includes p &p).
Proposed weekend activity. Saturday to be series of games with triples teams from the Wellington Region. Sunday to be an open melee. Entry fees from melee to go to the Bay View travel fund.
Brian W SmithWellington: Informal
Park Avenue: Sun 1.00pm
Khandallah: Wed 1.00pm, Fri night 6.30pm, Sat &Sun 1.00pm
Silverstream: Sun 1.30pm, Wed 1.30pm, Fri 6.30pm
Masterton: Sun 2.00pm, Wed 6.00pm
Kapiti: Mon 1.30pm, Wed 6.30pm, Thurs 1.30pm, Sun 1.30pm
Hataitai: Wed 1.30pm, Sun 1.30pm
Upper Hutt Wed 6.30pm, Sun 1.30pm