Held on Thursday, 12 December 2020 via Zoom.
Claire Bradburn
Barbara Nicholls (Secretary)
Lynne Shepherd (Kapiti), Paul Bonsey (Upper Hutt), Noeline Corley (Manawatu).
The minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday, 29 October were taken as read.
Moved Val, Seconded Janet.
Christine pointed out that she meant that the Shooting and Pointing competitions did not have a close off day.
Claire had spoken to Nadine who said that they had had a good response from around the country. They may do a Rules session on Zoom for club members.
Michael spoke to the report and said that the Term Deposit was due for renewal on the 14 December. The interest rates offered are only 0.55%. Michael was authorised to split the amount between the Savings account and a 6 month term deposit as he felt appropriate.
Moved Michael, Seconded Claire
The notes from the zoom meeting of the Tournament Sub-Committee had been circulated to clubs. All members agreed to the Report and the Timed Finals will be implemented at the WPA Open Triples to be held on 12 December.
Moved Graeme, Seconded Christine.
It was agreed to move the March meeting from 11 March to 18 March.
Claire advised that Cooks Super Trophies would be closed from 18 December until 29 January, 2021.
Claire thanked Michael for assisting Moises by putting the minutes on the web site. She asked that when the Minutes were first put on the site they be identified as "Draft" minutes until they were ratified at the following meeting as changes may need to be made.
It had been noted that the rules for the JC Trophy stated that the draw was to be done at a WPA Committee meeting. Due to unusual circumstances this year and that all meetings were to be held by zoom the draw would be done at a WPA Tournament. Unfortunately, a memo that had been sent to clubs had not been received by all clubs to comment on this proposal. Claire asked Michael to change the rules to reflect the unusual circumstances. The draw that had been done at the WPA Senior Doubles would stand as the majority of clubs were present.
Graeme asked all clubs to note that a Charity Tournament would be held at Horowhenua on Saturday, 6 February and to encourage club members to enter.
Claire then asked all clubs to comment on their Club's activities.
Janet reported that all was going well, they had about 40 members. They had just hosted a PNZ Tournament the previous weekend which went well.
Val said that they had some new members and everything was OK.
Simon had 3 new members and everything was OK
Graeme reported that they had gained a couple of new members but had lost a couple. They had just had their Christmas Lunch which was very nice.
Michael reported that the weather had been quite bad but otherwise was ticking along nicely.
Christine said they were going along nicely, had up to 50 members. They had just had the Pete Hamilton Memorial Tournament with nearly a full field.
Claire said that their numbers were stable up to 20. They were going to have an open day with Upper Hutt in January.
Michael noted that new members needed to be affiliated but no fees were liable.
Claire said that she was going to speak to Kevin McFadgen and Michelle Maxwell asking if they would do a costings paper with the possibility of some funding for the Rep Teams that play in the Tri-Star and the Chanticleer.
Graeme said that the Hawkes Bay Challenge was unlikely to go ahead.
Claire then thanked all clubs for their support throughout the year and wished everybody a Happy Christmas.
Meeting closed at 8:15pm
Val Clark
Minute Secretary