WPA Committee Meeting Minutes

Held on Thursday, 29 October 2020 via Zoom.


Claire Bradburn

Club Delegates

Other Attendees

Barbara Nicholls (Secretary), Ngaire Ericksen (Horowhenua)



Previous Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday, 17 September were taken as read.

Janet pointed out that she was the delegate at the last meeting and not Carleen.

Claire moved that the amended minutes be approved, Seconded Janet Hall.

Matters Arising





Claire asked Clubs to ensure they responded to the Survey.

Treasurer’s Report

Michael pointed out that although this meeting was at the end of October the Financial Statement was made up to the end of September.

Claire enquired about the Internet Fees and Michael said that they had been paid in advance and there would be no further fees to pay for about another 18 months.

Moved Michael, Seconded Val

Tournament Sub-Committee Report

Claire Wilson had emailed a report on the Women's Singles, Doubles and Triples competition.

There was no report on the WPA Doubles Competition or the Shooting Competition.

Graeme said that the WPA Senior Doubles Entry Forms will be on the website shortly.

Christine pointed out that the Doubles and Shooting Competition had a close off day and nobody could enter the Doubles Tournament after that date but that some had entered the Shooting Competition on the day. She thought that there should be consistency around closing dates. The Tournament Sub-Committee will review this anomaly.

Claire will host a Zoom meeting to enable the Tournament Subcommittee to address a number of issues.

General Business

Zoom Meetings

Claire moved that we upgrade Zoom meetings at a cost of approximately $200. Seconded Graeme. Approved.


Three people had put their name forward for umpiring. Claire advised that PNZ are looking into holding exams on line with some face to face work.

Meeting closed at 7:53pm due to the Zoom software time restiction being reached.

Next Zoom Meeting Thursday, 10 December at 7:30pm

Val Clark
Minute Secretary