Held on Thursday, 31 October 2019 at the Kapiti Pétanque Club.
Graeme Millard
Graeme Millard (President), Barbara Nicholls (Horowhenua).
Simon Grant (Naenae), Claire Bradburn (Silverstream).
The minutes of the last meeting held on Sunday, 11 August 2019 were taken as read.
Moved Val Clark, Seconded David Corley.
Refer footnote
The whole committee agreed with Graeme Morris.
Michael Rocks disagreed with Graeme Morris moving the motion regarding Reimbursement Expenses, which is against the Constitution. He has written to the IRD to clarify the legality of compensation paid to volunteers for expenses incurred in the normal business of the WPA.
Michael spoke to the report. He had rolled over a Term Deposit with the BNZ for 7 months as that was the best term available at the time.
Moved Kevin McFadgen Seconded Noeline Corley.
Graeme to email his report
Graeme Millard brought up the subject of a WPA Flag to be displayed at WPA Regional Events. Peter Mathews offered to bring to the next meeting a cost of a Tear Drop flag. Moved Graeme Millard, Seconded Noeline Corley
Kevin McFadgen enquired on behalf of Claire Wilson as to why a trophy wasn't given to the 3rd placed player. Michael Rocks explained that the trophy was only given for first.
At the previous meeting it had been brought up that prizes given out were plastic and disposable and Michael made the decision that glasses would be given as they were more sustainable.
As the number of winners were increasing so was the cost of trophies and medals and some thought should be given to what members wanted as a prize. Michael will continue with Glasses as prizes for the rest of the year.
Graeme Millard moved that Kevin McFadgen be appointed interim President for the rest of the year. Seconded David Corley. Kevin accepted this appointment.
The team for the Tri-Star is as follows:
Yvonne Futcher, Trish Biddle-Amoroa, Michelle Maxwell, Debbie Butler, Shirley Madgwick and Dave Gwerder.
Michael asked for clarification for the account received from Manawatu for the Chanticleer Cup. The invoice was for food for lunches, morning and afternoon teas and squad training on two occasions. Noeline was able to provide this information.
No. | Challenger | Venue |
27.1 | Wanganui East | Home |
27.2 | Horowhenua | Away |
27.3 | Upper Hutt | Home |
27.4 | Naenae | Home |
27.5 | Otaki | Away |
27.6 | Manawatu | Away |
27.7 | Silverstream | Home |
27.8 | Masterton | Home |
27.9 | Hataitai | Home |
Note: The venue is for the Challenger.
Meeting closed at 9:30pm
Val Clark
Minute Secretary
The minute silence was held for Liz Rocks (a typo error and inadequate proof reading) and Marie Knight the wife of Brian Smith.
My apologies for any distress this has caused. (Val)