WPA Committee Meeting Minutes

Held on Thursday, 23 January 2020 at the Silverstream Pétanque Club.


Kevin McFadgen

Club Delegates

Other Attendees

Brian Bradburn (Silverstream), Noeline Corley (Secretary).


Margaret Fleck (Hataitai).

Previous Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday, 31 October 2019 were taken as read.

Moved Val Clark, Seconded David Corley.

Matters Arising

Discussion on Trophies

The solution to trophy distribution should be as per 2019 AGM.

The third place competitors at the WPA Open Regional Triples, WPA Doubles/Singles and Senior Doubles 2019 to be awarded a prize.

Moved Claire Bradburn - Seconded Graeme Morris. Carried.

The Tournament Sub-Committee will determine prizes to be given out after entries have been received.

Glasses will be given which was agreed at the WPA meeting 11th August 2019. Third place will get a prize (glass) in championship division until the end of the season. Medals will be replaced by a glass (based on the list decided at the AGM). This will be reviewed at the end of the season.

Moved Kevin McFadgen - Seconded Judy Stewart. Carried.

Flag Quotes

Peter went to several places and the Warehouse Stationery was the cheapest. Prices are approx. $300. Claire to continue to look into this.




Treasurer’s Report

Michael spoke to the report. There has been a couple of Tournaments since the last report. Internet fees have gone up but by paying for a longer period Michael was able to take advantage of a cheaper rate.

Report moved by Michael Rocks, Seconded Noeline Corley. Carried.

Michael asked for trophies to be brought back to him for repairs and cleaning.

Tournament Sub-Committee Report

The Senior Doubles was won by Tony Simpson and Margaret Pomana

Open Triples - There were 24 teams which equalled the highest equal number of teams to this event. The results are on the website.

Time Limits. Michael had examined the results from the Open Triples and only 50% of games reached 13 points.

Kevin asked that the Tournament Sub-Committee talk about the rules and format before a Tournament starts.

Interclub. There were 14 teams entered and 4 games would be played under the Swiss format. After four games teams would be seeded into 3 X 4 teams plus 2 teams. Games would be 50 timed minutes plus one end plus another end if there is a draw.

Graeme also mentioned that fees for Interclub would be discussed at the AGM.

General Business

Kapiti Fundraising tournament

Graeme Morris mentioned that Kapiti would be running a Charity Tournament to raise funds for the Mary Potter Hospice. Graeme asked the committee to bring this to the attention of all club members.

Regional Tournament participation

PNZ had written a letter to Kevin regarding a WPA member who played in two different Regional Events. It will be pointed out to PNZ that they have no jurisdiction as to how the Regions run their Tournaments.

Regional tournaments dates have been changed as some are quite close to National Tournaments.


Claire spoke regarding a timer clock would be a good idea for players to see what the time was while playing. This idea had previously been rejected as there didn't seem to be anything suitable. Claire will look into this further.


Graeme Morris will umpire the Interclub. Claire will approach a couple of members regarding becoming a Reginal Umpire.

Meeting closed at 9:45 pm.

Val Clark
Minute Secretary