Held on Saturday, 13 October 2018 at the Horowhenua Pétanque Club.
Graeme Millard
Graeme Millard (President), Noeline Corley (Secretary), Tony Simpson, Claire Wilson, (Wanganui East), Annick Le Guen, Brett Maguire (Kapiti), Ann Hogg (Otaki), Ngaire Eriksen (Horowhenua).
Margret Fleck (Hataitai).
The minutes of the last meeting held on 15 July 2018 at Kapiti were taken as read.
Moved David Corley, Seconded Kevin McFadgen.
Michael reported that there were 386 members affiliated to the Association. One person had not paid for the Regional Singles and it will be followed up. There was an issue that 2 clubs had not been affiliated when the Regional Singles were held, but it was felt that it was not something that members should be disqualified for as it was probably due to an administration error on the part of the clubs involved.
Michael moved that entry fees be wiped for All Champion of Champions Tournaments beginning with this season Doubles and Triples. Seconded, Claire Bradburn Carried.
Michael reported that 5 Rep shirts had been ordered but an invoice for 6 shirts was received. Graeme Millard pointed out that a reserve had been appointed to play and needed a shirt and then at the last minute had an injury so was not able to play, hence the extra shirt.
There was a lot of discussion regarding payment of entry fees as it was not always clear to the Treasurer and/or Tournament Director those who had paid by internet deposit, and who had not paid. The person paying by internet banking needs to follow the procedure written on the entry form so that it is clear who the payee is and what the Tournament is.
The HB Cup will be held on 11th November at Manawatu. Graeme Morris will advise the format at a later date.
Graeme Morris distributed a report on the Chanticleer Cup to members. No solution was made at the meeting held in Auckland regarding the eligibility of players to play. Graeme received an email from Ella Harris suggesting a meeting at the coming PNZ tournament Labour weekend. Graeme said no decisions will be made at this meeting and the discussions will be bought back to the next WPA Meeting.
The Pointing Tournament was very successful. Graeme moved that a Trophy be purchased for this event. Seconded, Claire Bradburn. Carried.
Myles Cowper offered to sponsor up to $200 for the trophy, which was greatly appreciated by all members present.
The Champion of Champion Singles Tournament was won by Colin Gooch (Upper Hutt), runner-up was Dave Gatchell (Horowhenua).
Graeme Morris asked that the Mixed Doubles Tournament be put on the website. Michael replied that it was not a WPA Tournament and why are we having a mixed doubles tournaments? Clare Wilson replied that it was in line with the PNZ Tournaments.
It was moved that the WPA will run a 1 day Tournament (this could be extended to a 2 day tournament in the future) on Sunday, 10 March 2019 and then yearly at the beginning of March.
Moved, Graeme Morris, Seconded, Clare Wilson, Carried. Against 1 - Abstention 1.
Clare Wilson said it was a good idea having the Committee Meeting at the end of day's play during a tournament as it meant that Wanganui East could attend.
Graeme Morris said it was difficult to replace Jack Gazzard as Tournament Umpire and felt that it was advantageous to offer a higher remuneration than $20 for somebody to travel to attend the tournaments.
Graeme Morris moved that a small sub-committee be set up to look into reimbursement for the work that people do for the WPA. Seconded David Corley. Carried.
A trophy will be purchased for the Mixed Doubles Tournament similar to the other Tournament trophies to the value of approximately $250.00. Claire Bradburn would organise the purchase of the Trophy for the Mixed Doubles and the Pointing Competition.
Claire Bradburn reported that the Webmaster should not refuse requests to be put on the web. Graeme Millard stated that another person should be able to have access to the website. Noeline reported that a news item regarding their 21st anniversary for Manawatu had not been put up but Michael said that he had never received this particular item and if it was resent it would be added.
Michael reported that it would cost several thousand dollars to let somebody else use the website, but Graeme Millard said somebody else should have the password in case of any misfortune happening to the webmaster. Michael said he would bring the password to Horowhenua on Sunday 14th for Graeme to use.
Meeting closed at 6:10 pm.
Val Clark
Minute Secretary