WPA Committee Meeting Minues

Held on Thursday, 14 April 2016 at the Kapiti Pétanque Club


Kevin McFadgen

Club Delegates

Other Attendees

Dave Wilmshurst (Upper Hutt).


Kevin McFadgen.

Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 18 February 2016 were taken as read. Acceptance proposed by Michael, seconded Doc. Carried

Matters Arising

Claire Bradburn requested that the Minutes be amended as follows:





Treasurer's Report

Michael spoke to the Financial Statement that was distributed with the agenda.

A mystery deposit of $18 has been tracked down to Park Avenue paying their affiliation fees again at the end of February. The financial year closes at the end of the month so any invoices for payment should be sent in as quickly as possible.

Acceptance moved by Michael, seconded by Claire. Carried.

Tournament Subcommittee Report

Graeme and Claire spoke to the report (192kB).

There was some discussion regarding closing dates for WPA events, particularly in light of the reduction of postal deliveries. One club missed out on entry to the Champion of Champions Triples due the very late receipt of their entry.

It was decided that entry will generally close at 5:00 pm on the Tuesday prior to the event.

Acceptance moved by Graeme. Seconded by Claire. Carried.

General Business

Annual General Meeting

Kapiti will run a small event prior to the AGM.

Regional Awards

Nominations to be sent out soon. Claire requested that the panel members be identified. Michael replied that some panel members had previously been criticised and so were reluctant to be involved again. This was the reason behind the secrecy. Graeme requested that the number of panel members be given.

Life Membership

No nominations received. Request to send out a reminder about Life Membership prior to the February meeting. Include details of what is required.

Stringing for Women’s Triples

Jo asked about restringing the terrains between the Women’s Doubles and Triples at the weekend. This would give them the opportunity to try out the movement of the strings delimiting the pistes. Four metre width pistes will be used for the Triples and 3.5 metre pistes will be used for the Doubles.

Representative Matches

Graeme to present his paper at the AGM.


Claire raised the issue of a backup person for the website in case of emergencies. There is no-one in a backup role. A former website administrator could be contacted in the event of an emergency.

Timing equipment

Graeme is to contact Barrie Anderson about the PNZ timing equipment and report back at the next meeting.

PNZ Board Meeting

The first meeting on the new Board will be held in Wellington at the end of the month. This will be Kevin’s first meeting.


Graeme is to complete the PNZ Coaching the Coaches course he started running last year on 7 May.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting at Kapiti on 18 June starting at 3:00 pm.

The meeting closed at 9:15 pm.

Michael Rocks
Acting Secretary