WPA Annual General Meeting 2016

Held on Saturday, 18 June 2016 at the Kapiti Pétanque Club at 3:00 pm


The President, Kevin McFadgen, welcomed all members to the meeting.

Club Delegates


Myles Cowper (Hataitai), Carleen Fitzgerald (Horowhenua), June Cody, Jack Gazzard, Jo Maxwell, Sheryl McFadgen, Lynne Shepherd (Kapiti), Derek Cooper, Elva Cooper, Noeline Corley, Christine Daykin, Margaret Funnell, Linda Husband, Paul Husband, David Smart, Trish Smart, Judith Smith (Manawatu), Ted Burr, Shirley MacDonald, Margaret Mordecai, Barbara Nicholls (Otaki), Brian Bradburn (Silverstream), Bob Horton, Colleen Horton, Lynley Watt (Upper Hutt).


Margret Fleck (Hataitai), Peter Blake (Kapiti), Enoka Smiler, Monica Smiler (Park Avenue).

Confirmation of minutes

The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 13 June 2015, as circulated, were taken as read. Acceptance moved Kevin McFadgen/Colleen Horton. Carried.

Matters Arising

No matters arising.

President's report

The President's report was circulated prior to the meeting. Kevin spoke to his report. Acceptance moved by Kevin, seconded Doc. Carried.

Financial Report

Michael spoke to the Financial Statement that was distributed with the agenda.

Acceptance moved by Kevin, seconded by Claire. Carried.

Tournament Subcommittee Report

Graeme spoke to the report (192kB). The entry forms for the Inter-club competition will be sent out soon.

Election of Officers


No nominations were received prior to the meeting. Kevin McFadgen (Graeme Morris/David Corley Corley) was nominated from the floor. Appointed with acclamation.


No nominations were received prior to the meeting. No nominations were received from the floor.

Noeline asked about the possibility of splitting the Secretarial duties into a Minutes secretary and other duties. Colleen mentioned that there wasn’t much else to do apart from the Minutes.

Kevin asked those present to go back to their clubs and canvas members about becoming the Secretary.


No nominations were received prior to the meeting. Michael Rocks (David Corley/Noeline Corley) was nominated from the floor. As there were no other nominations, Michael was appointed.

Affiliation Fees

That affiliation fees for 2016-2017 year be:

Payment of affiliation fees to be as follows:

  1. To be paid on Club membership as at 31 August 2016, by 16 September.
  2. To be paid for new members as at January 2017 by 17 February 2017.

Note: a new member in 2) is anyone who was not covered in 1), whether they have been a member of the club previously or not.

Proposed by Michael, seconded by Doc Murray. Voted on and carried.

It was agreed that non-playing Club Life members do not need to be affiliated to the WPA. The affiliation period covers 1 September to 31 August.

General Business

Regional Representation

Graeme spoke to his paper (98kB).

Timing of the 2017 Inter-club competition

David Corley asked if the switch to October will continue in 2017. There was also some discussion about the future format of the competition. It was agreed to put a series of options to clubs at the interval of the Inter-club finals on 11 September.


Claire Bradburn moved a vote of thanks for Kevin and Michael.

Meeting closed 3:38 pm.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Regional Award winners for 2015-16 were announced and the draw for Round 23 of the Jacques Cochonnet Challenge Trophy was made.

Regional awards

The 2015-16 Regional Award winners are:

Jacques Cochonnet Draw

Trophy Holder

To be determined. The winner of the last challenge in round 22 will be the holder and they will not play a challenge in round 23 (Article 3).

Jacques Cochonnet Challenge Trophy : Draw for Round 23
23.3Upper HuttHome
23.6Park AvenueAway
23.8Wanganui EastAway

Note: The venue is for the Challenger.

Michael Rocks
Acting Secretary