Held on Saturday, 13 June 2015 at the Silverstream Pétanque Club at 3:00 pm
The President, Kevin McFadgen, welcomed all members to the meeting.
Kevin McFadgen (Chair), Colleen Horton (Secretary), Brian Bradburn, Barry Chandler (Silverstream); Len Cogger, Bob Horton (Upper Hutt); Erica Drake, Steve Frampton, Catherine Maher, Barbara Nicholls (Hataitai); Marlene Barker, June Cody, Lynne Shepherd (Kapiti); Derek Cooper, Elva Cooper, Noeline Corley, Paul Husband, Linda Husband (Manawatu), Enoka Smiler (Park Avenue), Liz Rocks (Khandallah).
Val Clark (Otaki), Jan Holloway (Horowhenua), Sheryl McFadgen (Kapiti).
The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 14 June 2014, as circulated, were taken as read. Acceptance moved Kevin McFadgen/Jo Maxwell. Carried.
No matters arising.
The President's report was circulated prior to the meeting. Kevin thanked all the members of the Executive for the year’s work. Also thanked members of the Tournament Subcommittee and all volunteers who have assisted in the running of tournaments. He also reminded all Clubs that if they are unable to attend meetings they should appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf to ensure that their opinion is heard.
The draft report was circulated to all clubs prior to the meeting. Michael circulated a later version of the report. Acceptance of the report was moved by Kevin, seconded by Doc.
This report was circulated prior to the meeting and is available on the website. Acceptance was moved by Kevin, seconded by Claire.
To remove clause 9.3 – The President may hold office for a maximum of three consecutive terms.
Proposed by Michael, seconded by Graeme.
After some discussion it was decided that this clause is no longer necessary and the meeting voted to accept the change.
No nominations were received for any of the positions prior to the meeting.
Kevin McFadgen – Nominated by David Corley, seconded by Claire Bradburn.
Michael Rocks – nominated by Kevin McFadgen, seconded by Colleen Horton.
No nominations received, position is unfilled.
That affiliation fees for 2015-2016 year be:
Payment of affiliation fees to be as follows:
Note: a new member in 2) is anyone who was not covered in 1), whether they have been a member of the club previously or not.
Proposed by Michael, seconded by Doc Murray. Voted on and carried.
The three following remits were all included in the Agenda sent out previously so are not repeated here.
Michael produced a certificate and explained the reasons behind its purpose. Its use was then moved by Kevin, seconded by Graeme and carried by the vote.
Margaret Mordecai explained the reason behind her remit. An explanation of the current method and the reasoning behind it was given by Graeme and Claire. Proposed by Margaret and seconded by David.
A vote was held and the motion was defeated.
In the absence of Trish Smart, the motion was put by Claire, seconded by Kevin. After discussion a vote was held and the motion was defeated.
The WPA seeding points section of the remit was also defeated.
Kevin and Michael spoke around how appointments are made. For the last 2 years this has been done at the AGM. Is this the best way to make these decisions?
Claire spoke and suggested the AGM is not the right forum for this. Need to set up a group of 3 to look at applications and make decisions. Current management committee comprises President, Treasurer and Secretary plus one rep from each Club. David suggested some programme planning is required in this area.
Graeme said we need to return to scratch and try to bring in as many new people as possible.
Kevin expressed the need to go back to the committee for decisions to be made. Liz Rocks then offered to assist Graeme in the interim in the selector/coach role.
This has been discussed but we now need to move forward. A development programme needs to happen. Claire introduced a training document to be issued shortly by PNZ. Should be available Sept/Oct. Clubs need to find starters when the form comes out.
Michael has had discussion with Trevor Neilson from PNZ about training people as umpires. This subject may also be covered by the upcoming Training document.
Park Avenue have 2 light stands with Halogen bulbs that are no longer required. Offered to the WPA for use as required. They are to be packaged up and made available to Clubs for their use.
Currently looking at funding. Sport is now an investment and funding will depend on numbers taking part. A questionnaire will be coming out shortly from PNZ to be completed by all clubs.
SpiderAnderson (Wanganui East), Barbara Bateman & John Hall (Silverstream), Graham Hooper (Kapiti)
Two special Awards were also announced.
A presentation of flowers and wine was made to the outgoing Secretary.
Meeting closed 5:00 pm.
Prepared by Colleen Horton
Outgoing Secretary.