WPA Annual General Meeting 2014

Held on Saturday, 14 June 2014 at the Kapiti Pétanque Club at 3:15 pm


The President, Kevin McFadgen, welcomed all members to the meeting.

Club Delegates


Kath Alison, Kaye Alison, Fay Doyle, Tony Gatford, Sheryl McFadgen, Lynne Shepherd (Kapiti), Tony Simpson (Wanganui East), Brian Bradburn (Silverstream), Bob Horton, Doc Murray, Dave Wilmshurst (Upper Hutt), Erica Drake, Catherine Maher (Hataitai).


Val Clark, Bob McCarthy (Otaki), Shirley MacDonald (Horowhenua), Margaret Fleck (Hataitai), Graeme Morris (Masterton), David Corley (Manawatu).

Confirmation of minutes

The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 13 July 2013, as circulated, were taken as read. Acceptance moved Kevin McFadgen/Claire Bradburn. Carried.

Matters Arising

No matters arising.

President's report

This report was circulated prior to the meeting and is available on the website. Kevin thanked all volunteers around the Clubs for their efforts in support of the game. He also thanked Claire and Graeme for their roles in the Tournament Subcommittee, and Michael and Colleen for their service to the organisation.

Kevin moved that his report be accepted. Seconded by Jo Maxwell. Carried

Financial report

The report was circulated prior to the meeting and is available on the website. Michael stated that the Association currently has a substantial balance in the bank and does not need to accumulate additional funds, therefore affiliation fees could be reduced this year. Michael moved that the report be accepted, seconded by Claire. Carried.

Tournament Sub-Committee Report

This report was circulated prior to the meeting and is available on the website. Claire stated that the subcommittee would like to recruit another member. Kevin moved that the report be accepted, seconded by Brian Bradburn.

Umpire’s Report

No report received. More umpires are required. Anyone who would like to be an umpire should come forward and go through the necessary training. Please see a Tournament Subcommittee member if you are interested.

Setting of Affiliation Fees

Michael proposed:

That affiliation fees for 2014-15 be:

Payment of affiliation fees to be as follows:

Michael explained that affiliation fees are used to operate the WPA.

Acceptance moved by Kevin, seconded by Claire. Carried.

Setting of Tournament Fees

Claire requested that these remain as at present until the Tournament Subcommittee can put forward their proposal.

However, it was agreed that the AGM was the forum for the setting of fees. Moved Michael, seconded by Kevin. Carried.

Setting of Miscellaneous Payments

Tournament hosting fees

Meeting Fees

Non-playing umpire

Regional Coach

Acceptance moved by Michael seconded by Trish. Carried

Election of Officers

As no other nominations were received the following were elected:


Kevin McFadgen nominated by Michael Rocks/Colleen Horton.


Colleen Horton nominated by Kevin McFadgen/Michael Rocks.


Michael Rocks nominated by Colleen Horton/Kevin McFadgen.

Applications for the position of Regional Selector/Coach

As only two applications were received the following are appointed:

General Business

Amendment to the Constitution

20 - Control of Funds

20.1 - The control and investment of the funds of the WPA shall be with the Committee. Banking operations on the WPA's account shall be carried out by the Treasurer. For withdrawals by cheque or another mechanism over the value of $500, be countersigned by another member of the Management Committee and for amounts less than $500 be at the sole discretion of the Treasurer.

Amend clause 20.1 to read:

The control and investment of the funds of the WPA shall be with the Committee. Banking operations on the WPA's accounts shall be carried out by the Treasurer. For withdrawals by cheque or another mechanism over the value of $500, be countersigned by another member of the Management Committee and for amounts less than $500, or transfers between WPA accounts, be at the sole discretion of the Treasurer.

The change is to allow the Treasurer to transfer funds between accounts irrespective of the amount.

Acceptance moved by Kevin, seconded by Sheryl. Carried.


Jo Maxwell asked that nominations for positions be sent out earlier next year.

Club Contacts

A request is to be sent to all Clubs to provide an update of their current office holders and delegates.

WPA Awards for 2013/2014

Certificates were presented to the successful candidates. The list of these is now available on the WPA website.

Meeting closed at 5:00 pm.

Colleen Horton