Date: Saturday, 14 June 2014
Time: 3:00 pm
Venue: Kapiti Pétanque Club, Paraparaumu Domain, Aorangi Road, Paraparaumu
That affiliation fees for the 2014-15 be:
Payment of affiliation fees to be as follows:
Tournament entry fees:
Miscellaneous Payments
Tournament hosting fees
Meeting fees
Non-playing umpire
Regional Coach
20 - Control of Funds
20.1 - The control and investment of the funds of the WPA shall be with the Committee. Banking operations on the WPA's account shall be carried out by the Treasurer. For withdrawals by cheque or another mechanism over the value of $500, be countersigned by another member of the Management Committee and for amounts less than $500 be at the sole discretion of the Treasurer.
Amend clause 20.1 to read:
The control and investment of the funds of the WPA shall be with the Committee. Banking operations on the WPA's accounts shall be carried out by the Treasurer. For withdrawals by cheque or another mechanism over the value of $500, be countersigned by another member of the Management Committee and for amounts less than $500, or transfers between WPA accounts, be at the sole discretion of the Treasurer.
The change is to allow the Treasurer to transfer funds between accounts irrespective of the amount.