WPA Committee Meeting held on Thursday 13 June 2013
at the Kapiti Pétanque Club

Acting Chair

Michael Rocks

Club Delegates


Bob Horton (Upper Hutt), Kaye Alison (Kapiti), June Cody (Kapiti) Tony Gatford (Kapiti).


Margret Fleck (Hataitai), Margaret Mordecai (Otaki), Kevin McFadgen, Richard Turfrey (Wanganui East).


Michael welcomed all to the meeting.

Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting held 11 April 2013 were taken as read. Acceptance proposed by Michael Rocks, agreed by all.

Matters Arising





Michael asked about the letter to be sent to Four Winds Trust re the using of the Junior boules purchased with the previous grant. Graeme stated that he was still waiting to get some photos to put with the letter. Michael proposed that we should not wait any longer as the letter may prove helpful should we request a grant in the future. Colleen to talk to Graeme re preparing the letter. Agreed by all.

Treasurer's Report

Report submitted by Michael Rocks.

Michael requested that any outstanding engraving be carried out and the accounts be submitted as soon as possible. Michael proposed the report be accepted, seconded by Colleen Horton. Carried.

Tournament Subcommittee

Graeme Morris stated there was nothing new to report at this stage.

The date recommended for Club Singles was queried. It was explained that date was a suggestion only and could be changed by each Club to suit themselves.

Graeme moved that his report be accepted. This was agreed by all.

Park Avenue Report

Barbara Nicholls reported that Park Ave Club have requested from Hutt City Council that if the move is made to the old tennis court area, 24 pistes (15x4) are provided for the future.


No report received, although there was some discussion regarding when a end was completed when playing timed games.


This is to be held on Saturday, 13 July 2013 at 3:00 pm. This will follow the Park Avenue Doubles tournament.

Any remits need to be received by the Secretary on or before Saturday, 22 June 2013. The agenda is to be sent out by Saturday, 29 June 2013.

General Business

Access to the Discussion Forum

Michael Rocks agreed to resend instructions for accessing the WPA website to all Clubs.

Representative Process

As the discussion document on the website regarding Regional Selection has not yet been considered by most Clubs, Michael agreed to send out a short paper to all proposing that the position of Regional Selectors and Coach be advertised soon and be filled at the AGM. A response is to be sent to the Secretary by June 22nd 2013on whether are in agreement with this. Agreed by all.

Chanticleer Funding

A request was received from Wanganui East Club re some funding to assist with the provision of lunches for players, coaches and managers at the upcoming Chanticleer Cup Tournament. The committee felt that more information was required and the Secretary was to respond to Wanganui East asking for this. Graeme Morris agreed to be the contact person for dealing with this matter. The Secretary is to remind the Club that they will receive the normal hosting fees for the event.

Representative Funding

An email was received from Liz Rocks regarding future funding and it was decided that this should be added to the agenda for the AGM rather than discussed at a committee meeting. The Secretary will ensure this happens.

Meeting closed at 8:48 pm.

Colleen Horton