WPA Committee Meeting held on Thursday 23 August 2012
at the Kapiti Pétanque Club


Kevin McFadgen

Club Delegates


Kaye Alison (Kapiti), Bob McCarthy (Otaki), Beverly Mason (Kapiti), Bob Horton (Upper Hutt).


Park Avenue, Windy Hills, Richard Turfrey

Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting held 19 April 2012 were taken as read.

Matters Arising





Treasurer's Report

Membership returns have been sent to all clubs. Financial report submitted. Proposed Michael Rocks, seconded Colleen Horton.

Michael produced box containing rings for use at Regional and National Tournaments. Claire asked for price and was told $13.00 each. 20 purchased and 10 on order. Discussion then Held re the use of the rings. Decision made to use at all WPA Tournaments. All voted in favour.

Michael reminded those Clubs who have not yet paid, that affiliation fees are due by 31st August.

Tournament Subcommittee

Report received on Chanticleer challenge written by Richard Turfrey. Letter of thanks is to be sent to Auckland for hosting this tournament. Wellington to host this next year. Discussion on where this is to be held. Decision made that all clubs with suitable facilities be given opportunity to host. Tight timeframe so guidelines are to be sent out ASAP. Graeme will liaise with Dirk and Richard on how to develop team for next year.


No report received.

General Business

Club attendance at WPA Meetings

Kevin raised the subject of non-participation of some Clubs in WPA committee meetings. Contact should be made to find out why this is. Should we reintroduce Club reports?

Meeting venues were discussed as per Sue Gurr’s request at the AGM and a proposal was made by Kevin McFadgen and seconded by Kath Alison that these should continue to be split between Kapiti and Silverstream at this stage. Agreed by all.

Further meeting dates were then set as follows:

All will start at 7:30pm.

Club Membership

A question was received from Nyra Bentley of the Horowhenua Club re dual membership of Clubs. After some discussion it was decided that the decision on how to handle this should be made by each Club. There appears to be no consistency at present. A reply is to be sent to Nyra re this.

Club Contacts

Updated information has been requested from all clubs to ensure contact is being made with the correct people. Please ensure your club replies to the request.

Travel Fund

Michael explained the background of the travel fund. Claire proposed that a small group be set up to look at how to raise funds for the future. Group to be chaired by Kevin. Moved by Claire Bradburn, seconded by Bev Mason. Carried.

An Item is to be added to the agenda for the next meeting – participation in the Tri-Star Tournament.

Claire Bradburn gave an update of the position of the Park Avenue Club and assured all that the Bowls and Petanque Clubs will remain.

Meeting closed at 9:30pm.

Colleen Horton