WPA Committee Meeting held on Thursday 19 April 2012
at the Kapiti Pétanque Club

Club Delegates


Kath Alison (Kapiti), Kaye Alison (Kapiti), Fay Doyle (Kapiti), Bob McCarthy (Otaki), Bob Horton (Upper Hutt)


Elizabeth Rocks (Khandallah), Margret Fleck (Hataitai), Graeme Morris (Masterton), Park Avenue club

Continuation of the Virtual Meeting of 1 March 2012

Use of the Forum

Discussion was held around the use of the Forum. Any club member can register and get access to the general section. We should persevere with this method for discussion prior to meetings. This should shorten the time required for this at the actual meetings.

Tournament Calendar

It was pointed out that the tournament Calendar was discussed and voted on at the September meeting and that programme will stay in place for the next three years.

Pétanque Promotion

Michael stated that membership overall has declined. With the exception of a couple of clubs, most are finding their numbers are reducing. We need to develop ways of promoting the sport. This may differ between areas. Each club should have a media person to write articles about upcoming events or results and send them to their local newspaper for publication. It was suggested that the Tournament Subcommittee put fixtures and results in local and regional papers to keep the sport in the public’s eye. We could appoint a regional spokesperson to contact radio for promotion eg.like Murray Deaker’s programme. Maybe demonstration games could be developed with coloured balls to show how the game is played.

College Sport was mentioned and Claire agreed to try again to promote a tournament with the local colleges, maybe at a different time of the year from the last try.

Website Protection

We need to develop some rules to stop people using material from the website without the permission of the owners. Richard proposed that no-one can copy and paste material from the website without permission of the WPA. Claire seconded the motion and it was carried by all.

Shooting Kits

The cost of shooting kits is around $260.00 per kit, therefore 2 sets would be a little over $500.00 with postage. Michael proposed that we purchase 2 sets and this was seconded by Kath and carried by all. Michael has agreed that Khandallah club will take responsibility for organising and running a Regional Shooting Competition and a date and time will be advertised when available.

Travel Fund

The status of this fund was questioned and it was explained that the fund is not in current use. No plan has been formulated so the fund is dormant at this stage.

Finance Report

Michael has distributed the report to all clubs. Colleen proposed that the report be accepted and Kevin seconded the proposal. It was carried by all.

General Business

Jacques Cochinet Trophy

The draw for Round 17 took place and is now available on the website. Wanganui East is the current holder.

Annual General Meeting

Richard stated that the next meeting would be the AGM and the date for this will be advertised as soon as it has been decided. He also stated that he will not be standing for the position of President at the election of officers so a new President will need to be found. He suggested the AGM could be run in conjunction with the Awards (dinner?) on the same day as the Regional Shooting Competition. Date to be advised.

The meeting closed at 8:41 pm.

Colleen Horton