WPA Committee Meeting held on Thursday 8 November 2012
at the Silverstream Pétanque Club


Kevin McFadgen

Club Delegates


Jo Maxwell (Kapiti), Bob McCarthy (Otaki).


Kath and Kaye Alison (Kapiti), Dirk Winnie (Park Avenue), Jack Gazzard (Umpires)

Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting held 23 August 2012 were taken as read. Acceptance proposed by Kevin McFadgen, seconded by Claire Bradburn.

Matters Arising

Claire pointed out that minutes placed on the website should state that they are unconfirmed until they have been confirmed at the next Committee meeting.





Treasurer's Report

Report submitted by Michael Rocks, seconded by Margaret Mordecai. Carried.

Discussion was held around declining numbers in Clubs and how to promote the game and increase membership.

A request was made to receive the financial report prior to the meeting so it can be perused earlier and this was agreed to.

Tournament Subcommittee

Report submitted by Graeme Morris, seconded by Kevin McFadgen.

Beverly Mason asked for an explanation of the Swiss Format and Graeme gave this. (Explanation of the Swiss System)

Graeme moved that Dirk Winnie be replaced on the Tournament Subcommittee by Jan McCarthy. Seconded By Beverly Mason.


No umpire's representative present.

General Business

Tournament Conditions

Michael proposed that the Tournament conditions be changed from “All players must be current members of a club affiliated to the Wellington Pétanque Association (unless the tournament has been designated as OPEN)” to: “All players must be licensed members of a club registered to the Wellington Pétanque Association (unless the tournament has been designated as OPEN)”. Seconded by Colleen Horton. Carried.

It was also agreed that any new members should be registered as and when they join the club. Payment of affiliation fees for new members will be done in consultation with the Treasurer.

It was also decided that a player can only represent the club they are registered to during the course of the season in all inter-club type competitions (Champion of Champions, Jacques Cochonnet and Inter-Club).

Representative Team selection

Discussion was held around how teams are chosen for Tri-Star, Chanticleer and Hawkes Bay tournaments. Current method explained by Graeme Morris. There was agreement that there is room for improvement in the methods used.

Graeme was asked by the President if he could bring something to the next meeting under the following four headings:

Use of dimpled cochonnet

There are some questions around the legality of the dimpled coch. Kevin agreed to draft a letter to PNZ for some clarification. Copy to be sent to Jack Gazzard


Kevin thanked Graeme Morris and Claire Bradburn for all their efforts in organising and running Regional Tournaments. The assistance of Jan McCarthy was also mentioned.

Next meeting is 14th February 2013 at Kapiti at 7:30 pm.

Meeting closed at 9:25 pm.

Colleen Horton