Margaret Mordecai (Otaki), Mike Towart (Otaki), Dirk Winnie (Park Avenue), Gwen Hill (Umpires Representative).
Tommy Werry (Park Avenue), Brian Framptom (Otaki), Bob Horton (Upper Hutt), Carleen Fitzgerald (Horowhenua), Shirley Peard (Horowhenua).
The minutes of the previous meeting held 28th October 2010 were taken as read. Moved: G Morris / R Turfrey. Carried.
Claire spoke re the outstanding certificates. One has been produced by Monica, very well done.
Certificate then presented to Gwen Hill as Arbiter of the Year.
Note: It is to be noted that Wellington Region has 11 representatives in the Trans-Tasman.
Michael provided update of current finances.
Vote of thanks to Michael for producing good financial reports and also for his service and maintenance of the website.
Chris Taylor came up from Christchurch and 6 people sat the final exams. Ralph Priddle has also been upgraded to Regional Umpire and we now have 15 Umpires in the region.
Gwen is to relinquish her role at the AGM. There is another interested in taking over the position. Graeme paid tribute to Gwen for the service she has given while in her role. Total agreement from all other members of the committee!
Michael explained that as our financial year has changed we should not hold the AGM earlier than the end of May. Decision was made to set the date at 9th June 2011.
Notice re this to be sent to all clubs and nominations requested for positions on the committee.
Richard Turfrey is willing to stand again as President. Colleen is willing to stand again as Secretary and Michael as Treasurer.
Nothing to report at this stage. Some tournaments were held prior to Christmas. Tournament Sub-Committee was asked to mindful of the cost of trophies.
Southern region wanted to hold this in April. Deemed not suitable by Wellington Region. Proposed dates are 27th/28th August. Some doubt expressed about the weather at that time of the year.
Michael suggested our region should establish what it is we wish to achieve from the event. Graeme said it is an opportunity for players to aspire to regional representation. Dirk said players have a growth opportunity through Tri-Star. Feedback from participants has been amazing and it has improved the level of skills in the game.
Graeme moved that the WPA participate this year in Tri-Star, Chanticleer and Haines. Seconded by Dirk Winnie. Carried.
Further discussion was around the cost of participation. It was stated that the majority of the cost is carried by the players.
Dirk believes there is a need to put more structure around the participation in these events. It is necessary to make clear the requirements of possible selection and expectations should be documented.
Dirk will prepare a document on the current position and possible future, and circulate this prior to the next meeting.
The entry form has been issued under the old format. Feedback has been requested on this event but has not been forthcoming.
A date has been set for Easter weekend in Rotorua. Northern Clubs are objecting to this date and the format of the event.
Masterton Club is adamant that the status quo should exist.
Clubs could write to the PNZ individually with their views or WPA represent those clubs who wish to be represented. Richard will canvass clubs for those who wish WPA to be their agent in dealings with PNZ.
Tournament participation appears to be reducing in numbers. Is the non-participation due to age?, travel?, costs?
How do we attract new members? If clubs have new members why are tournament numbers not rising?
Graeme agreed to contact some previous participants to ask for reasons why they are no longer participating.
Margaret Mordecai stated that Otaki Club sent a letter offering some dates to host future events but has not yet had a reply. Claire said the Tournament Committee has replied with thanks but no decisions have yet been made.
Regarding the Horowhenua Club’s protest re the holding of National tournaments, Dirk has given his support to their case at PNZ.
Next meeting is set for April 14th 2011 at Kapiti at 7:30pm.
Meeting closed at 9:25 pm
Colleen Horton