WPA Committee Meeting held on Thursday 28 October 2010
at the Kapiti Pétanque Club at 7:00 pm

Club Delegates


S Peard (Horowhenua), Margaret Mordecai (Otaki), Bob Horton (Upper Hutt), Kath & Kay Alison (Kapiti), Liz Rocks (Khandallah)


Margret Fleck (Hataitai), Gwen Hill (Umpires), Kevin McFadgen (Kapiti), Susan Norman (Windy Hills), Tommy Werry (Park Avenue),Dirk Winnie (Park Avenue)

Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting held 17th August 2010 were taken as read. Approved – B Frampton/C Bradburn.

Matters Arising


Outward Correspondence

Letter to PNZ re use of grant money. – Note of thanks from Barbara Whittington

Treasurer's Report

Michael provided update of current finances.

Graeme requested amount of balance left over from $500 grant after Chris Taylor's visit. Michael stated balance is $218. To be used as part of request for funds to purchase Junior Boules sets.

Accounts for approval: Engraving on Singles and Doubles trophies. Moved for approval – R. Turfrey / L Rocks.

Umpire's report

Colleen read email received from Gwen Hill in response to question at previous meeting re the necessity of sending umpires reports to PNZ. Email states:

To keep accreditation current you have to:

  1. be carrying out the functions for which you are accredited and
  2. be able to provide proof to the accrediting body that you are doing so to a satisfactory level.

Barbara Whittington states that the form may need to be redesigned and someone may like to design a new one. The matter of the forms will be re-addressed when a new National Umpiring Co-ordinator comes on board.

(Full report available from Secretary if required)

Tournament Subcommittee

Report of meeting held Wednesday 18 August has been issued. Seeded draws have not yet begun. Discussion was held re the Consolante being played on the Sunday of two day tournaments. Liz suggested a late start for Consolante. Draw should be carried out by someone other than tournament organiser to alleviate workload.

The issue of having trophies seems to be settling down. We need to consider whether to hold two day tournaments due to time restraints for players. Suggestion was made that we trial the Swiss system. Tournament subcommittee to consider this. Michael said there needs to be at least five rounds to make this successful. To be discussed and maybe trialled prior to the next AGM.

Tournament organisers need to ask for help when they are also playing. Non players could man the result tables etc. An email could be sent out prior to the event requesting assistance.

Strategic Plan

Committee has not yet had a chance to meet.

Club Reports

General Business


Graeme has an application form for the Four Winds Trust and will investigate others. Is gaining quotes for the Junior Boules and working on completing applications.

College Sports

Claire said the tournament was called off although some schools had expressed interest.

Submission From Horowhenua

Clubs are to write to PNZ on their own behalf to express views re the decision regarding National Tournaments. Masterton and Wanganui East expressed their full support to Horowhenua. Members were reminded that WPA has no formal relationship with PNZ. Clubs have a greater relationship as their members are affiliated to PNZ direct.

PNZ Liaison

Liz suggested the WPA should have a liaison person to deal with the PNZ . It was suggested the secretary take on this role and write to PNZ requesting copies of their meeting minutes. These could then be distributed and items discussed with club members prior to major changes being made. We could also send a rep the PNZ meetings when necessary to express the views of the Wellington region clubs. Motion put by Claire/Kath. Carried

Jacques Cochonnet

Draw made for Round 15 of the Jacques Cochonnet. Now available on the website.

No date was set for the next meeting.

Meeting closed at 8:50pm.

Colleen Horton