WPA Committee Meeting held on Thursday 17 August 2010
at the Kapiti Pétanque Club at 7:00 pm

Club Delegates


Bob Horton (Upper Hutt), Gwen Hill (Umpires), Dave Wilmshurst (Upper Hutt).


Brian Frampton, Margaret Mordecai (Otaki), Dirk Winnie (Park Avenue), Cath Hughes (Manawatu), Tommy Werry (Park Avenue).

WPA Secretary position

Colleen Horton (Upper Hutt) to be appointed. Nominated - Margret Fleck, seconded - Claire Bradburn. Carried.

Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting held 3rd June 2010 were taken as read. Approved – C Bradburn/G Hill.

Matters Arising


Outward Correspondence

Card sent to Ann Shields on passing of her husband. – Reply card received

Inward Correspondence

Notification from PNZ that National championships tournaments will be held only in Auckland Central, Wellington or Christchurch. Those in Wellington will only be at either Park Avenue or Kapiti.

Treasurer's Report

Michael provided update of current finances.

Accounts payable

Moved for approval – Michael. Seconded Richard. Carried

Carry over of three items from committee meeting dated 16th April 2009.

  1. That payments made from the Representative Grants account be made at the end of the financial year.
  2. That the allocation of Representative Grants be 60% Regional and 40% International.
  3. That grant applications be made for the provision of Regional team uniforms.

Motion put by Michael. Seconded by Margret. Carried.

Graeme explained the fund for Players cooperative. Each rep is inputting money to build up a fund for travel to National tournaments and International events. Organized by Graeme and Dirk Winnie. Money collected and held by Helen-Mary Foley and administered by her and Jan McHardy.

Umpire's Report

Umpire's training weekend is 25th and 26th September at Kapiti.

Umpire's reports to the WPA are currently being sent to PNZ. Discussion held re need for these reports. What do we do with them? Could the Forum be used for discussing issues or problems? Gwen to ask Umpires to register on the Forum. Gwen also to check with PNZ re need to forward forms to them.

Tournament Subcommittee

Meeting set down for Wed. 18th August. Report to come out after that meeting, sent out and placed on Forum.

Strategic Plan

No progress made yet. Richard to organize meeting of Strategic Planning subcommittee. Day and time to be advised.

A suggestion was made that Clubs should advise local papers of upcoming events and post results there also.

General Business

A college Pétanque competition has been planned for 14th September in Wellington area. Entry forms have been issued to local colleges.

Next meeting to be held Thursday 28th October 2010 at Kapiti. 7pm start.

Meeting closed 9:00 pm.

Colleen Horton