WPA Committee Meeting held on Thursday 25 June 2009
at the Silverstream Pétanque Club at 7:30 pm

Note: These minutes are unconfirmed until such time as they are accepted at the next meeting.


Claire Bradburn (Chair), Beverley Mason (Secretary)
Hataitai - Maureen Wood
Horowhenua - no representative
Kapiti - Linda Gazzard, Peter Williams
Khandallah - Michael Rocks
Manawatu - see apologies
Masterton - Graeme Morris
Otaki - Gary Brunton, Bob Wilde
Park Avenue - Enoka Smiler
Silverstream - Tim Lovell-Smith
Upper Hutt - Bob Horton, Colleen Horton
Wanganui East - no representative
Windy Hills - no representative
Umpires' Representative - Gwen Hill


Steve Framption (Manawatu), Margret Fleck (Hataitai), Dirk Winnie (Khandallah). That apologies be accepted, moved Gary Brunton, seconded Gwen Hill. Carried.

Confirmation of the Previous Minutes

The minutes of the meeting on 16 April 2009 were taken as read and approved with the following ammendment:

Under Finance the wording ... with one vote against by Michael should be ...with one vote against by Michael Rocks for Khandallah.

Moved Peter Williams, seconded Claire Bradburn. Carried.

Matters Arising


As requested clubs had discussed the website and reported to the meeting. Kapiti and Upper Hutt in favour as it is. Claire Bradburn suggested maybe the website should include a statement saying an individual cannot put personal comments on it. Graeme Morris agreed saying that it is a good source of information and needs nothing of a debatable nature on it and Maureen Wood supported this.

Webmaster Michael Rocks advised that basic technology is being used and it is limited in how it can be used. He said that at some stage the provider will need to be reviewed as the website is running out of space and some items may need to be taken off. He agreed that at this time personal opinions are not needed but this can be reviewed if and when the provider needs to be changed. In general clubs are pleased with the way things are with the website.

That Michael Rocks, as webmaster, puts a proposal together to increase the capability of the website, moved Graeme Morris, seconded Gary Brunton. Carried.

WPA Awards

The panel consisting of Michael Rocks and Bernadette Lawton has met and made decisions on category award winners. Sixty votes received from clubs for personality of the year.

It was decided that presentation of the awards at the next AGM as suggested at the annual meeting is too far away and the last round of the Winter Doubles on 9 August at Kapiti was agreed on.

Graeme Morris said there are some outstanding PNZ awards still to be presented and these will be done at the same time.




Claire Bradburn went to a Sport Wellington Networking Luncheon and reported on this. Speakers included the CEO of Surf Lifesaving NZ. Ultimate Frisbee Assn who are having a Beach Sports Festival on 27/31 December in Gisborne raised the possibility with Claire of including pétanque, this information has been passed on to the PNZ.

Claire and Michael Rocks attended the Sport and Recreation Workshop on 24 June.

Moved Tim Lovell-Smith, seconded Colleen Horton that the inward correspondence be received and the outward approved. Carried.


Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer's Report and attachments were circulated to clubs before the meeting

That the Treasurer's report be accepted, moved Michael Rocks, seconded Gwen Hill. Carried.

Notices of Motion

Facility Usage Payments

  1. That the WPA payment for club facilities be $50 per day for major regional events, moved Michael Rocks, seconded Peter Williams. Carried
  2. That the WPA payment for club facilities be $25 per day for small (under 30 players) regional events, moved Michael Rocks, seconded Peter Williams. Carried
  3. That $15 per WPA committee meeting be paid, moved Gary Brunton, seconded Linda Gazzard. Carried

Tournament entry fees

That the WPA Tournament entry fees for 2009-10 season be set to:

  1. $10 per player per day for Regional Championships;
  2. $10 per player for the winter competition;
  3. $10 per player for the WPA Open Triples;
  4. $60 per club for the inter-club competition;
  5. $10 per player for each of the Women?s tournaments;
  6. $10 per player for the Champion of Champions.

Moved Peter Williams, seconded Gwen Hill.

The discussion mainly concerned the entry fee for the Champion of Champions. A vote on Clause f resulted in 3 votes for, 3 against and one abstention.

An amendment that $10 be altered to $5 per player for the Champion of Champions, moved Gary Brunton, seconded Enoka Smiler was carried by 5 votes for, 2 against and one abstention.

The amended motion was put to the meeting and carried 7 votes for and one abstention.

WPA Representative Grants

That the WPA Representative grants be capped at 20% of the gross Tournament entry fees from 2010 moved Michael Rocks, seconded Gary Brunton. Carried.

Umpire Re-imbursements

That expense re-imbursements for non-playing Umpires at WPA events be capped at $15 per tournament playing day, moved Michael Rocks, seconded Gwen Hill.

At present the 28c per km agreed to be paid is not realistic and Gwen Hill said she emailed all Regional and Club umpires for their opinions. All but one replied and are in favour of the proposed amount. The motion was carried.

Tournament Sub-Committee Report

The subcommittee met and finalised dates and venues for the remaining WPA tournaments for the 2009/10 season. Clubs will be advised.

Graeme Morris reminded clubs that the Jacques Cochonnet rules state that when a club wins a challenge it must notify the next challenger within 4 and the challenger must accept within 4 days. Otaki, the present holders will play the next challenge against Silverstream on 5 July.

Umpiring Sub-Committee

Gwen Hill's report distributed to the meeting and is an attachment to the Minutes.

Regional Coaching

Graeme Morris and Dirk Winnie have started training sessions, the first being held on 14 June at Park Avenue with 33 attending. This resulted in groups, Wanganui, Kapiti/Otaki, Wellington Central, Hutt Valley and Masterton being set up with the aim of regularly practicing together.

The next open session will be at Kapiti on 11 July from 9am to 1pm and one more will be held.

PNZ Report

The new Board has held 2 meetings, one of 2 days and a one day meeting with Technical Directors of Coaching and Tournaments. Diane Findlay will be contacting clubs for updated membership numbers.

A Seniors tour has been suggested for August/September 2010 to the United Kingdom with a selected team playing all 5 countries at Abergevenny in Wales.

No decision has been made on a Director of Umpiring.

Club Reports


Has a new President and Club Captain and appointed its first Patron. 60 players took part in the Memorial Melee on 21 June and a visit to Manawatu is planned for 23 August.


Won its first challenge for the Jacques Cochonnet trophy against Park Avenue, their next defence is against Silverstream. Have approached the local College about the College Sports Day in October but haven't heard back yet.

General Business


Claire advised the meeting that there were some areas of conflict between points in the Constitution prior to the last AGM and some of the rules within the book Members' Meetings. Because of this amendments needed to be made to the Constitution and a special meeting would be required. Claire asked for guidance from the members as to what approach she should take. The general consensus was that members simply wanted to use the book as a guide should difficulties arise within a meeting. Claire is to find a suitable proposal to address the problem and bring it to the members.

Strategic Forum - 4 July

Four clubs, Kapiti, Park Avenue, Silverstream and Khandallah will be sending representatives, Upper Hutt not able to send anyone and no response from the other clubs. The Newsletter being sent out will mention this.

Moved Michael Rocks, seconded that WPA will cover the cost of a light lunch at the Forum. Carried.

Jacques Cochonnet Draw

The order for the next round of challenges was done and is as follows:

  1. Manawatu - Away
  2. Kapiti - Home
  3. Park Avenue - Away
  4. Wanganui East - Away
  5. Upper Hutt - Away
  6. Windy Hills - Home
  7. Silverstream - Away
  8. Hataitai - Away
  9. Masterton - Away
  10. Khandallah - Home
  11. Otaki - Home
  12. Horowhenua - Home

The meeting was declared closed at 10:30 pm.

Beverley Mason