Claire Bradburn (Chair), Beverley Mason (Secretary)
Hataitai - Margret Fleck
Horowhenua - no representative
Kapiti - Kath Alison, Kaye Alison, Fay Doyle, Linda Gazzard, Jan McHardy, Pat Scholes, Peter Williams
Khandallah - Michael Rocks
Manawatu - Barrie Sinclair, Ngaere Sinclair
Masterton - Graeme Morris
Otaki - see apologies
Park Avenue - Enoka Smiler
Silverstream - see apologies
Upper Hutt - Bob Horton, Colleen Horton
Wanganui East - see apologies
Windy Hills - Myles Cowper
Umpires' Representative - Gwen Hill
Dirk Winnie (Khandallah), Gary Brunton (Otaki), Owen Davie (Silverstream), Richard Turfrey (Wanganui East).
The minutes of the meeting on 19 February 2009 were taken as read and approved with the following addition:
“Outward correspondence in connection with the Jacques Cochonnet Trophy a letter was also sent to the Khandallah Club.”
Moved Peter Williams, seconded Colleen Horton. Carried.
Michael presented a detailed Financial Report and Financial Statement. He mentioned that membership is 420 which roughly the same as last year. An application will be made to the IRD for an exemption for withholding tax. He has opened a Savings account of $1,000 at BNZ and it is hoped another $1,000 will be deposited at some future date.
Moved Michael, seconded Myles that the Financial Report and Statement be received, carried.
Moved Claire, seconded Fay that those members who have earned representation in the Trans Tasman team be paid $200 each, carried with one vote against by Michael Rocks for Khandallah.
The committee will meet on 28 April to complete the calendar for this year and next year. This will be sent to clubs. Congratulations to the Wellington team who won the National Triples.
Graeme advised that a date for the first coaching session would be arranged shortly and Clubs notified.
Gwen will arrange a date with Barbara Whittington to meet and set umpires' exams. She has had positive feedback from several players on the colour of umpires' vests which are clearly visible when an umpire is required.
The Annual General Meeting was held in conjunction with the National Triples at Park Avenue on 4 April with Claire Bradburn as acting Secretary. There was a good representation of clubs attending but Fay Doyle suggested an earlier start time in future. Those elected were Lorraine Brock, President; Paul O'Connor, Vice President; Dirk Winnie, Director Sports Development; Graeme Morris, Director Player Development and Diane Finlay, Director Membership Services. A Board meeting is scheduled for 9/10 May and Dirk and Graeme will be able to report back to WPA meetings.
Some discussion on the increase in affiliation and it was pointed out that Pétanque affiliation is the lowest of any other sport. Graeme Morris suggested that the incoming committee will think very hard about how much is spent in future.
Hosted both Pak 'n' Save, a club sponsor, and KCDC at very successful barbecue evenings recently. Club triples championships held and provided umpires for the Retirement Villages Pétanque Tournament on 10 March. The club participated in the inaugural Casey Cup tournament between Horowhenua, Otaki and Kapiti and were winners. Members of Kapiti Branch of UHC are coming to the club to play Pétanque on a regular basis. Annual competition between Paraparaumu and Kapiti Colleges held recently.
Has a Training Day organised.
Won a challenge for the Jacques Cochonnet Trophy from Wanganui East and has since had a successful defense against Horowhenua. Next defense is against Manawatu on 19 April.
Graeme Burnard is now the President of the club with Ralph Priddle Secretary. The Midwinter doubles on 31 May is the 10th tournament. The club hopes to enter a team in the National Club Championships.
The club has two entries in the Ladies Singles championship on 25 April.
Paper presented by Graeme Morris at the February meeting. Graeme said that in the past the selection process has been on seeding but the time has come for a change. There will be more benefit in working with a wider training squad. The meeting gave Graeme a clear mandate to go ahead with this.
Graeme reported that the Wellington/Auckland match will be in Wellington on 29/30 August.
A paper (MS Word 49kB) prepared by Michael Rocks was circulated to the meeting which was in favour of having a website. Fay congratulated Michael on a job well done in preparing this so promptly. Clubs were urged to discuss the paper with their committees and bring any feed back to the next WPA meeting.
The President has asked Fay Doyle to form a sub-committee to look at membership and promotion and clubs were asked to advise Fay if they have any members with expertise in this field.
The AGM approved the establishment of Regional Awards. Michael Rocks volunteered to put in place an Award process which will be sent to clubs by the end of the month. There was general agreement with this proposal for which 3 judges were recommended. Myles Cowper suggested Michael Rocks, Claire Bradburn and 1 other.
This will be difficult for the first year and it was suggested that this could be done in conjunction with a prize giving for all tournament winners at the WPA AGM. It was also recommended that the AGM be held separately from the following WPA committee meeting.
Saturday 13 June was suggested for a strategic planning day i.e. brainstorming session which could be held at Sport Wellington premises and the facilitator could be from Sport Wellington. Michael will look into this.
Graeme Morris sought approval to officially sanction jackets for representatives, the cost of $50 plus logo to be funded by the players. These jackets would not be compulsory. All clubs in favour except one.
Points 1 & 2. Request for funds to PNZ for Umpiring and Coaching, approved.
Point 3. WPA to no longer be a collection agency for PNZ affiliation fees. The meeting did not agree and after some discussion Graeme Morris was asked to bring this to the attention of the next PNZ Board meeting.
Point 4. A policy to be implemented to protect WPA if a person holding office in WPA wishes to be an office holder in another organization and permission is to be sought from WPA. Most clubs felt that if this comes up it could be dealt with at the time.
Point 5. Payments to clubs holding tournaments which is $30 a day for Regional Championships at the moment. The events which WPA pays for use of club facilities were listed with the recommendation that clubs be paid $50 per day for major regional events and $25 per day for small regional events. No decision was taken on this matter.
Points 6 and 7 - not discussed.
The Budget produced by the Treasurer for this meeting was not seen by most clubs and the tournament sub-committee will include this at their meeting on 28 April.
A newsletter covering key points from WPA meetings will be sent to clubs for their notice boards.
The President thanked Fay Doyle for her work on PNZ as regional representative.
The meeting was declared closed at 10:00 pm. The next meeting will be held on 25 June at Silverstream Petanque Club, and the following meetings on 24 September at Kapiti and 19 November at Silverstream.
Beverley Mason