Fay Doyle (Chair), Beverley Mason (Secretary), Brian Smith (Treasurer)
Hataitai - Maureen Wood
Horowhenua - no representative
Kapiti - Kath Alison, Kaye Alison, Gwen Hill, Jan McHardy, John Mason, Pat Scholes
Khandallah - Elizabeth Rocks, Michael Rocks, Dirk Winnie
Manawatu - Barrie Sinclair, Ngaere Sinclair
Masterton - Alison Priddle, Ralph Priddle
Otaki - Gary Brunton, Marty Magee
Park Avenue - Enoka Smiler
Silverstream - Claire Bradburn
Upper Hutt - Kathy Taylor, Alison Zuppicich
Wanganui East - see apologies
Windy Hills - no representative
Richard Turfrey (Wanganui East), Graeme Morris (Masterton).
The Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 15 February 2007, as circulated, were taken as read and approved, moved Claire Bradburn, seconded Michael Rocks, carried.
After reading her report the President moved its adoption, seconded Brian Smith, carried.
Brian Smith presented the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007. The Association incurred a loss of $2,093 last year, the treasurer stating that there are two avenues available to increase income, namely tournament and affiliation fees and said that either or both must go up.
Dirk Winnie spoke in favour of increasing both fees and other speakers gave their opinions with Gwen Hill pointing out that new affiliation fees would not come in force until 2009. Barrie Sinclair said that the issues have to be addressed now.
Claire Bradburn asked whether the WPA representative subsidy of $200 applied towards costs overseas or within New Zealand, Brian advised the amount was less when tournaments are in New Zealand.
That the Financial Statements be approved, moved Brian Smith, second Ralph Priddle, carried.
There was agreement that both affiliation and tournament entry fees need to be increased and discussion as to how much.
That the affiliation fee be $5 commencing in 2009, moved Brian Smith, seconded Jan McHardy.
The motion was carried with a vote against recorded by Dirk Winnie.
That the tournament entry fee be increased from $15 to $20 per player, moved Brian Smith, seconded Liz Rocks.
Claire Bradburn questioned the cost of keepsake trophies and whether so many are needed but Liz Rocks was of the opinion that a keepsake trophy is a special thing to most people and trying to economise in that area would not be a good thing. The motion was carried with one vote recorded against by Dirk Winnie.
There were no nominations received in writing prior to the meeting so they were taken from the floor.
Claire Bradburn, moved Liz Rocks, seconded Ralph Priddle. Moved Dirk Winnie that nominations be closed. Claire Bradburn was elected President for the coming year.
Owen Davie, moved Claire Bradburn, seconded Kaye Alison. Nominations were declared closed and Owen Davie elected Secretary for the coming year.
Brian Smith, moved Gary Brunton, seconded Ralph Priddle. Nominations were declared closed and Brian Smith elected Treasurer for the coming year.
On behalf of everyone present Dirk Winnie thanked the outgoing President, Fay Doyle for all the work she has done and congratulated her on the diplomatic manner in which she has carried out her duties over the past two years. This was carried with acclamation.
The meeting concluded at 8.10pm.
Beverley Mason