President's Report to the 2008 Annual General Meeting

2007 saw changes and growth within the Wellington Region. The Central Region ceased to exist and the Hawkes Bay Region became part of the Wellington Region. These changes are part of bigger changes within Pétanque New Zealand and it will be a little while before things settle down and the various regions are clarified. You will all have had an opportunity to study the proposals put out by PNZ and I hope all clubs will consider putting forward a nomination for the position of Regional Representative for the coming year. If the proposed changes are carried, the role of the regional representative will be different from that of past years so it is important that clubs take an interest and keep themselves informed.

Matches between other regions increased in 2007 with matches played against Auckland, Bay of Plenty and Hawkes Bay with wins recorded in all matches. It is planned to re-establish the match against Canterbury this year. I would like to thank Dirk Winnie and his sub-committee for their work in choosing the teams and Dirk for the effort he put into coaching and managing the teams. Congratulations to all who played in the regional teams, the commitment you put in certainly paid off.

Congratulations also to those Wellington players chosen to represent New Zealand in the trans-Tasman games of 2007. Unfortunately we didn't hold on to the trophy but I am sure those of you who have been chosen to play in the match this coming April will endeavour to win back the trophy.

Naturally the highlight of the pétanque year was the visit of Phillipe Quintais, Phillipe Suchand, Bruno Rocher and their manager Victor Nataf. These players thrilled everyone who saw them and gave pétanque a boost, especially in Masterton and Otaki where the clubs organised displays and games with and against the team. Victor had some sessions with our coaches and I am sure that what they learned will be invaluable. Again thanks to Dirk for the time he put into the whole itinerary.

The interciub went well last year with the trophy changing hands at last. This year there is a slightly different format and my thanks to Graeme Morris and Enoka Smiler who have organised this year's interclub. The first day went off well.

It is encouraging to hear that the Manawatu Club has moved to their new terrain. They are hoping to have everything in place by March when they will hold a melee and invite all clubs to come and visit. Really good news.

Up until yesterday we had not received any nominations for president or secretary. Someone must be prepared to take office and give something back to pétanque. I would like to thank Beverley for the work she has willing put in to keeping up the communication within clubs. Brian has faithfully kept track of all the money and I thank him on your behalf. I have enjoyed my term as president and hope that someone will step forward to take a turn at the helm.

Fay Doyle
President, 2007-08