Fay Doyle (Chair), Beverley Mason (Secretary), Brian Smith (Treasurer)
Hataitai - Margret Fleck, Maureen Wood
Horowhenua - Bill Lidstone
Kapiti - Kath Alison, Kaye Alison, Graham Hooper, Jan McHardy, Pat Scholes
Khandallah - Liz Rocks, Michael Rocks, Dirk Winnie
Manawatu - see apologies
Masterton - Graeme Morris
Otaki - Bob Wilde, Shirley Wilde
Park Avenue - Enoka Smiler
Silverstream - Claire Bradburn
Upper Hutt - Don Mekalick, Alison Zuppicich
Wanganui East - Richard Turfrey
Windy Hills - Myles Cowper
Gary Brunton (Otaki), Keith Lapwood (Manawatu), Sebastien Merval (Windy Hills), Ralph Priddle (Masterton), Kathy Taylor (Upper Hutt). Apologies were accepted Bob Wilde/Alison Zuppicich, carried.
The minutes of the meeting on 19 April 2007 as circulated were taken as read and approved. Carried
To be discussed under General Busines
That the outward correspondence be approved and the inward received, moved Richard Turfrey, seconded Liz Rocks, carried.
The meeting was in favour that WPA reply in support of Horowhenua's application for funds. Horowhenua have also written to Pétanque NZ asking for support.
The financial statement was accepted, moved Kaye Alison, seconded Alison Zuppicich, carried. The Treasurer was congratulated on the new format.
Kapiti won this year's competition with Windy Hills second and Park Avenue a close third. The format worked very well and next year's format will need to be discussed at the next meeting. Margret Fleck was thanked for her valuable work in arranging this event.
Eight clubs entered which was very pleasing. The event was held at Manawatu Pétanque Club on a cold, sometimes wet day and was won by the team from Otaki with Kapiti runners-up.
Wanganui East Club was the venue for this competition, a first for the club. A disappointing entry of 6 clubs the winners being Hataitai with Manawatu runners-up.
This was held at Horowhenua with 18 entries and won by Alison Zuppicich of Upper Hutt.
These championships were held at Kapiti with 18 entries in the doubles and 12 in the triples. The tournaments were very successful with Masterton players winning both. Margret Fleck commented on the time frame with the bye situation and Brian Smith said this will not happen again.
Round 1 held on 10 June at Park Avenue and Brian reported entries were up on last year. Round 2 will be at Kapiti and Round 3 at Horowhenua. Those who are doing the Umpires Course will be having their practical training that day. Round 4 is at Park Avenue.
Dirk had prepared a report on arrangements for the match including what has already been done and what is still required. Myles Cowper has been in touch with Wellington City Council re shelter for Waitangi Park, venue for the second day. It was suggested contact be made with Sport Wellington for a caravan if they have one. Kapiti and Otaki will provide scoreboards, 10 for Saturday and 3 for Sunday. Myles will arrange for a suitable trophy, the cost to be shared by Auckland and Wellington. Clubs are urged to support this event.
Michael Rocks reported that the first level of Coaching was done with 17 in attendance. All passed Level 1 with Rex Hayes passing Level 2. Others have yet to send in their papers. Umpiring exams are underway and Barbara Whittington will be conducting training days at the end of July.
Liz Rocks has been approached by Georgio Vakauta asking whether WPA could help with finance for his team travel to Singapore and suggested a regional raffle. Myles said that any monies raised should be for the benefit of both the world and Singapore teams and said that he had made a donation himself, suggesting that each petanque member donate $10. These can be sent to treasurer, Brian Smith specifically stating that the money is for the NZ teams. A show of hands resulted in favour of holding a Regional raffle for Georgio, David and Andre and Liz and Fay will work on this.
In 2008 the Otaki Bowling Club will be celebrating 100 years and the Pétanque club will be having a two day tournament in late November.
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
AGM will be held next week.
The Winter Madness Doubles was another successful tournament. Raffle money raised will go towards the World team expenses.
Held their AGM recently and will shortly commence planning for their November competition.
Won their latest Jacques Cochonnet challenge against Kapiti which was played in the worst weather conditions ever experienced. Peter van Heusden has now played 100 Jacques Cochonnet challenge games.
Have held their AGM. Tony Packer is no longer club captain.
Representatives of 17 sports, including pétanque attended a meeting called by the City Council regarding the redevelopment of Maidstone Park. It is not anticipated there will be any action for about a year.
Library display for International Pétanque Day was there for 3 weeks. Held an evening of slides and talks about the Trans Tasman tournament in Melbourne. Levels 1 and 2 Training the Trainers' course a worthwhile weekend of learning. Kapiti won the WPA inter-club cup and held successful women's doubles and triples championships. Propose a pre-register for Memorial Melee on 5 August, entry fee $5.
Have postponed the Midwinter Triples until 22 July. A Performance Enhancing group has started. Membership static.
Doubles event on 25 August deleted from calendar due to uncertainty as to whether they will have shifted premises by that date.
Masterton were the last winners of this trophy which has not been played for since. Clubs to give some thought as to what this could be played for in future.
Revised rules had been produced and circulated to clubs. Full consideration given to the general introduction and each article and some amendments made. Graeme Morris will arrange for the rules with amendments to be typed up and sent to the Secretary for distribution to clubs. They will be adopted at the next meeting.
The President thanked Graeme Morris, Dirk Winnie, Gerald Bryan and Peter Dennett for their work in preparing the revised rules.
Dirk explained his reasons for wanting to form a new club which will be affiliated and he has a playing area in mind. Myles asked why the need to question Dirk on the formation of a new club and Fay said that clubs need to decide whether they are in favour of new clubs being set up. It was recommended that WPA establish a criteria for setting up a new club and there should be a minimum number. A vote on whether the WPA will accept a club under Dirk's guidance resulted in 7 in favour, none opposed.
Brian Smith told the meeting that Riding for the Disabled had taken over the land which had been used for the golf driving range at Silverstream. Brian had approached the people from Riding for the Disabled and they said the building would be 50 metres by 20 metres with a very high ceiling. While there are still a number of factors to be discussed, it appeared that it might be possible for the WPA to use the area for tournaments. Brian will follow this up.
Fay hasn't heard back from Christchurch so it doesn't look as though this match will take place this year.
Richard Turfrey had some questions regarding the triples event they plan to hold in November. There will be a limit on the number of teams so the event is likely to be oversubscribed and the meeting recommended that they adopt a "first in, first served" policy.
WPA has new black and yellow shirts and the question was asked if these shirts should be given to championship winners as well as WPA representatives. The meeting was in favour of this being done.
The President declared the meeting closed at 10:12pm.
Beverley Mason