Fay Doyle (Chair), Beverley Mason (Secretary), Brian Smith (Treasurer)
Hataitai - Margret Fleck
Horowhenua - Bill Lidstone
Kapiti - Myles Cowper, Graham Hooper
Khandallah - Michael Rocks
Manawatu - See apologies
Masterton - Graeme Morris
Otaki - Diane Brunton, Gary Brunton
Park Avenue - no representative
Silverstream - Claire Bradburn
Upper Hutt - Kathy Taylor, Alison Zuppicich
Wanganui East - no representative
Windy Hills - no representative
Barry Sinclair, Ngaere Sinclair (Manawatu). Accepted
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read. Moved Claire Bradburn, Seconded Alison Zuppicich, carried.
Brian Smith presented the financial statement. Lion Breweries have paid the outstanding amount of $400. Receipts from the winter doubles totaled $355.
28 has been the average entry in each round of this competition. Brian said it was very pleasing that everyone had rung up to register for each round and it was good to see a number of new people participating.
Entry forms will be sent out as well as emailed to clubs.
Horowhenua suggested as the venue and Bill Lidstone will let WPA know as soon as possible whether the club is happy to host this event.
No venue as yet. Clubs have until the end of August to indicate whether they wish to host it.
The system in 2005 did not seem to be as popular so ideas were asked for. Brian suggested that it be played in Zones, then having a play-off of Zone winners. It was decided that clubs be asked whether they are interested in the general idea of playing in zones, with a tentative start date of 18 November.
Neil Goodwin, a new PNZ member, is very keen to get an umpiring scheme going. If any clubs have members interested he will send out information. There is a written test which is a multi-choice questionnaire and following that a practical session will be held. An Umpires handbook is being developed. Clubs with members interested were asked to email names and addresses to the President.
Neil Goodwin and David Lippard held a very successful coaching or performance enhancement session with 12 players from Bay of Plenty and Waikato area and would be interested in coming to the Wellington Region for a similar session. The President will contact Neil Goodwin for a date next year. Myles Cowper asked whether they would be coming to coach players or people to coach players back at their clubs. The President said she would check with Neil Goodwin.
Michael Rocks reported that SPARC has provided a one off grant for coaching and umpiring. An umpiring pack is being prepared. The PNZ Council met in June - report sent out. Advertisements for positions of PNZ Blog Site Manager and CEO will be called for next week with applications closing at the end of September. A back-up proposal is being prepared in case there are no applications. Four applicants for position of NZ Team Manager and Liz Rocks was appointed. PNZ Selection Policy questionnaire was sent out and a summary of replies is on the website and will be sent to clubs.
Had another successful Jacques Cochonnet challenge against Hataitai, winning 8-1.
A query as to whether a player from outside the region is able to play even if he/she belongs to a WPA club. A decision on this was made in 2004 and to be circulated to clubs.
A lengthy discussion on Jacques Cochonnet challenges and whether they should be arranged by the holder with the challenger or played on the 2nd Saturday of every month as decided in 2005. Khandallah and Horowhenua have changed their date from 9 to 2 September to suit the holders. It was felt that perhaps it is up to the current holder to negotiate with the next challenger for each month and a new proposal will be brought to the next WPA meeting.
A successful melee was held to raise funds for the two ladies going to the World championships and the tournament in Singapore.
Steady numbers attending club days on Wednesday and Sunday during the winter, and club has one more potential member. A 10th Anniversary Triples will be held on 3 March, 2007.
Maidstone Park is being redeveloped and the club has written to the Council to ask what is actually planned, specifically with regard to the Pétanque area.
Unfortunately they lost their Jacques Cochonnet challenge with Khandallah.
A dinner to mark the 10th anniversary of the club is being held on 25 August and the Memorial Melee on 27 August.
A melee will be held on 5 November and clubs advised details later.
An Open Triples to raise funds for the shelter which is now up and painted is on 9 September. They also have a Doubles Melee planned for 25 November and a melee with Wanganui, Horowhenua and Manawatu to be held on 10/11 March 2007.
Advised by email that a successful melee was held on 13 August with Otaki, Horowhenua and Wanganui East clubs.
Michael Emerson has prepared a discussion document for the selection of national teams and Margret Fleck asked that clubs discuss this and bring back comments for the next meeting.
The meeting concluded at 9:10pm.
Beverley Mason