WPA Committee Meeting held on Thursday 22 June 2006 at the Silverstream Pétanque Club


Fay Doyle (Chair), Beverley Mason (Secretary), Brian Smith (Treasurer)
Hataitai - Margret Fleck, Maureen Wood
Horowhenua - no representative
Kapiti - Myles Cowper, Graham Hooper
Khandallah - Elizabeth Rocks, Michael Rocks
Manawatu - see apologies
Masterton - see apologies
Otaki - no representative
Park Avenue - Karepa Mataira
Silverstream - Claire Bradburn
Upper Hutt - Kathy Taylor, Alison Zuppicich
Wanganui East - no representative
Windy Hills - no representative


Barry Sinclair, Ngaere Sinclair (Manawatu), Graeme Morris (Masterton), Susan Norman (Windy Hills). Accepted

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read. Moved Brian Smith, Seconded Claire Bradburn, carried.

Matters arising





The inward correspondence was received and the outward approved. Alison Zuppicich/Kathy Taylor, carried.


Brian Smith presented the financial statement. Brian referred to an amount of $400 which, despite repeated requests, has not been received. Michael will try one more time to contact the person concerned.

Events debrief

Winter Doubles

Format is working quite well. Two rounds have been held the first on 21 May and second on 18 June which was reduced to 3 games because of inclement weather. Brian advised that teams who won 3 games will get 5 bonus points. Venue for Round 3, Kapiti and Round 4, Park Avenue.

Upcoming events

Jacques Cochonnet Trophy

Hataitai were anticipating playing a challenge in June and were told 3 days beforehand that Khandallah had arranged to play Horowhenua in June. Michael Rocks explained that he had sent an e-mail explaining the change but apparently the e-mail had not been received. Michael apologised for any confusion that had arisen. Fay suggested clubs communicate with each other well in advance of the playing date so that misunderstandings do not happen in future.

Draw for next round: August, Horowhenua; September, Hataitai; October, Masterton; November, Windy Hills; December, Upper Hutt; February, Silverstream; March, Otaki; April, Kapiti; May, Park Avenue; June, Wanganui East.

Open Triples

Opinions sought from clubs on this tournament which has not been successful in the past 2 years. Suggested that it be a 1 day event on 3 December with entry fee of $15 per team and a guaranteed 4 games. Venue Park Avenue, to be confirmed.

That the Tournament Committee look at organizing a 1 day tournament based on discussions on 3 December 2006, moved Myles Cowper, seconded Claire Bradburn, carried.

Event Calendar

Kapiti Open Doubles, 20/21 January 2007

PNZ Report

Trans-Tasman event went exceptionally well and Michael said that Horowhenua have now set the benchmark for staging the event. WPA clubs thanked for their support. Brian advised a grant had been received from NZ Community Trust and players will be receiving a small amount towards costs.

PNZ have no applicants for CEO or Deputy CEO and Michael Rocks is currently Acting CEO as well as WPA Regional representative. PNZ will have a special meeting this weekend to discuss how it will manage governance going forward.

Club Reports

General Business

Seniors Tournament

Michael advised PNZ will be discussing a National Seniors Event. As WPA held a Seniors tournament in 2005 it was decided to have one this year on 25 October, venue to be decided.

New Zealand Teams

Claire Bradburn congratulated the Wellington members in the NZ teams to travel to the World Championships and to Singapore. Moved that $200 be donated to the Wellington players in NZ teams, Brian Smith/Claire Bradburn, carried.

Myles Cowper commented he would like to see those selected for National teams asked to put something back in the game by way of coaching. Dirk Winnie has already offered to do this.


Kapiti Club will host the Peugeot National Singles in October and the WPA Regional Singles in September. The WPA Regional doubles will be held at Park Avenue. Michael said that clubs should have in mind what they should do about things such as flooding which has happened more than once in the past. Graham Hooper suggested roofing a terrain specifically as a venue for National and Regional tournaments using money from grants.

The meeting concluded at 9:27pm.

Beverley Mason