Michael Rocks (Chair), Brian Smith (Treasurer)
Hataitai - Gerald Bryan, Maureen Wood
Horowhenua - no representative
Kapiti - Kath Alison, Kaye Alison, Graham Hooper, Jan McHardy
Khandallah - Elizabeth Rocks
Levin - no representative
Manawatu - see apologies
Masterton - Graeme Morris
Otaki -Robert Wilde, Shirley Wilde
Park Avenue - see apologies
Silverstream - Claire Bradburn
Upper Hutt - Alison Zuppicich
Windy Hills - no representative
Claire Bradburn (Silverstream), Graeme Morris (Masterton), Diane Fletcher, Barbara Nicholls (Park Avenue).
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read. All in favour.
Tea, coffee, milk and sugar for the WPA Open Triples were donated.
Moved that the Inwards correspondence be received and the Outwards correspondence be confirmed. Carried.
Brian Smith presented the financial statement. Only one payment had been made since the start of the financial year.
Sixteen teams entered with only one player from outside the region taking part. With the change in timing for the National Doubles, a new date will need to be found for the Open Triples. The new committee needs to look at the issue of prize-money, as it has not attracted much outside support for the event.
A number of members took the opportunity to ask questions about how the WPA operates.
Park Avenue and Kapiti to let Michael know by next week if they are interested in hosting the regional triples.
That the Winter Doubles be removed from the 2006 calendar. Moved Margret Fleck
The vote was:
For (2)- Kapiti, Otaki;
Against (7) - Hataitai, Horowhenua (proxy, with conditions), Khandallah, Masterton, Park Avenue (proxy), Silverstream, Upper Hutt;
No votes received (3) - Levin, Manawatu, Windy Hills
The motion was defeated.
Margret Fleck has stepped down as website coordinator. A replacement is needed.
That the Regional Delegate be instructed to vote against any increase in PNZ affiliation fees greater than 10% per annum. Moved Kapiti
This motion was submitted too late to be discussed at the Annual General Meeting. Michael advised that it would be placed on the Agenda for the May meeting and that discussion be held over until then because clubs did not receive sufficient time to consider this proposal.
Graham Hooper expressed concern that this would be after the PNZ AGM. Michael advised that he was unaware of any proposals to change the PNZ affiliation fee. Invoices for the 2006 fee had already been sent out and there was no change.
That the WPA Treasurer be instructed to meet with the Silverstream club and agree on a suitable fee for hosting the Committee meetings. Moved: Michael Rocks.
Unlike regional tournaments, Silverstream receive nothing for hosting these meetings and as Claire advised, the person opening the clubrooms also paid for the biscuits.
Michael felt that it was time that the WPA contributed something towards the cost of hosting the meetings.
The motion was carried.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:37 p.m.
Michael Rocks