Minutes of the Wellington Petanque Association Committee Meeting

Held at the Silverstream Bowling Club, Thursday 7 October 2004


Michael Rocks, Brian Smith, Kath and Kaye Alison, Graeme Morris, Beverley Mason, Barbara Nicholls, Peter Dennett, Maureen Wood, Diane Fletcher, Patrick Smith, Gary Brunton, Bob Wilde, Susan and Dean Norman, Tony Packer, Roy Zeier, Fran Beach, Alison Zuppicich, Louise Sligo


Lindsay Skinner, Barrie and Ngaere Sinclair, Claire Bradburn

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Minutes of 29 July be accepted as read. Moved: Michael Rocks. Carried.

Matters Arising:

Other than Diane Fletcher's omission as in attendance there were no matters arising.




Moved that the Inwards correspondence received and the Outwards be confirmed. Carried.

Treasurer's Report

Brian noted that affiliation fees were higher than in 2003 because of membership increase. A statement of WPA financial performance was distributed recording the sum of $4,947.69 in the BNZ account.

Diane Fletcher raised matter of payment of club expenses (Park Avenue and Kapiti) to cover events. Michael noted an original amount of $50 per event was struck when fewer events were planned. Treasurer will look at entry fees and assess an appropriate amount. Graeme referred to the small amount charged as subs. Kapiti sees raffles as a good opportunity to raise funds for expenses. This should be a matter for discussion. All in favour.

Moved by Michael Rocks that the Financial Report and accounts be accepted. Carried.

Events debrief

Regional singles

Attracted 58 entries reduced to 52 with late shift of venue. Highest number yet and may need to review formats if these numbers continue.

Women's Doubles and Triples

Call for feedback from clubs and should it become an ongoing event? Barbara Nicholls queried whether these were a regional event and Michael replied that it was not intended to be unclear and that it would be an open event. Graeme Morris asked that it should be considered (i) whether reaction to a women's tournament was favourable and (ii) that it would be an open event.

Brian noted that a main purpose was to give women more opportunity for selection for other tournaments - e.g. for Oceania which is run on gender lines. Anyone is free if they wish to organise a male-only event. Brian is keen to see petanque preserved as a sport without gender division.

Fran Beach moved that it be discussed by clubs that future women's events decided as regional or open.

Michael clarified that a description of Swiss Tournament can be found on the website.

Upcoming events

Regional Doubles has attracted 27 entries. Re. forthcoming National Doubles to be held at Kapiti , Michael asked Kapiti if they had all the necessary facilities. Kath Alison said the club was well prepared.

The Wellington Open Triples are to be held at Park Avenue on 20/21 November.

Upper Hutt Swiss Doubles are on the 28th November.

Otaki Doubles Melee on 27th November.

PNZ Report

The Council is to meet in Wellington in 2 weeks and Michael, as regional delegate will take suggestions etc. to the meeting.

Graeme Morris has returned from the World Championship confirming that the NZ team was the best to date on all aspects. Well prepared and close to best finish. Good input from the coach and manager. The finals as in 2003 were between 2 French teams. New Zealand finished 33rd from 54 teams. Graeme commented that our terrains are basically too 'easy'. Need to be used to harder and more uneven surfaces. Tahiti has been recognised as a separate nation for the Games.

National Petanque Week is the 23-31 October. A range of activities has been planned. Brian showed a poster that may be copied. Barbara Johnston may be issuing a press release. Kapiti will have a display board in the local library. Masterton is holding a 'J.C.' party!

Otaki have 3 days organised with 3 hours of each day demonstrating (petanque) outside the town hall and holding their club day outside the New World.

Hataitai plan to combine with Khandallah for a public showing.

General Business

Regional Training Squads

About 50 members have shown interest and possibly this number will need to be split into smaller groups. The first of these will be on Sunday 31 October (those available to play Hawkes Bay - some 12 to 18 players on 5 December probably at Palmerston North).

Timing of Club Championships

Park Avenue suggests that from 2006 Clubs in the Wellington region play their club championship singles, doubles and triples to be timed for 2 weeks before each same WPA event. This would also tidy and simplify the calendar.

Western zone junior sport festival

Organisers are keen to do something featuring pétanque. Have provided very little information to circulate around clubs. A response is needed by October 16th. Festival set down at 3 venues for 30th November. We can find sets of leisure boules for use.

Participation in Regional Championships

Following on from submissions received. Submitted by Graeme Burnard on behalf of Masterton that they were opposed to any ex-regional participation in WPA regional tournaments and would like to see a residency rule inserted in the constitution.

Submission from Kapiti similarly opposes outside players in WPA regional tournaments. Submissions also from Hataitai, Upper Hutt, Silverstream, Park Avenue and Khandallah with some points to clarify.

Michael noted that the WPA has no clear boundary. Horowhenua is within it and discussions are underway with Wanganui. What is Masterton's northern boundary?

PNZ has northern, central and southern regions, but actual boundaries are undefined.

Tony Packer felt it sufficient that participants should be those who regularly play in WPA affiliated clubs. But, if 2 clubs seek a 'residency clause' for insertion in the constitution then that term needs clarification/definition. If there is no residency rule, then what is the meaning of 'regular' as a qualification? Problems without precision of meaning.

On a more positive note Michael commented that regional championships are confined to Auckland and Wellington and there could be some benefits with visitors. Michael considered this topic should be referred to PNZ for a ruling there being no clear majority on the matter.


Arbiter's exam for the PNZ to take up - Patrick Smith is also interested.

Annual General Meeting

To be held at the Silverstream Pétanque club on Thursday 17 February 2005. To be followed by a Committee meeting.

Louise Sligo