Michael Rocks, Brian Smith, Neil Dykes, Lindsay Skinner, Elizabeth Rocks, Kath and Kaye Alison, Graeme Morris, Barbara Nicholls, Maureen Wood, Gary Brunton, Bob Wilde, Susan and Dean Norman, Claire Bradburn, Margret Fleck, Graham and Alison Zuppicich, Oskar de Jong, Bernadette Lawton, Louise Sligo
John Beard, Bernard Casey, Fran Beach, Barrie and Ngaere Sinclair
That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 May 2004 be accepted. Moved: Michael Rocks, Carried.
There were no matters arising
Moved that the Inwards correspondence received and the Outwards be confirmed. Carried.
Brian noted that affiliation fees had been received from all clubs but Levin and the Open Polytechnic. A statement of WPA financial performance was distributed recording the sum of $3263.31 in the BNZ account.
Moved by Michael Rocks that the Financial Report and accounts be accepted. Carried.
Overview given of clubs and team results. This year numbers are slightly down. This year a doubles tournament only was held but singles and triples in 2003. To consider whether or not the rule should stand that should a team member not be available a substitute is permitted but default in the event of neither team members being available.
Diane Fletcher noted that when WPA events are held at Park Avenue there can be difficulties in making all the necessary preparations. Oskar suggested that other club members might help. Michael agreed considering the onus put on a host club. Graeme Morris agreed that we take a lot for granted as participants. Liz Rocks suggested that people be encouraged at an early stage to do what they can to help and make a call for a small number of volunteers to clear up at the end etc.
Graeme likes the format at it is giving teams and clubs good opportunities. Brian suggested that in the future there be a minimum of 3 teams per club.
Bernadette Lawton noted the pressure on Michael as both a participant and attending to draws etc. Michael felt it was manageable for regional events. For national championships an independent tournament controller would be ideal but at present most people are keen to play. Perhaps easier if 2 or 3 shared the task. Does not favour a minimum number of teams per club. Michael asked if people were content with doubles alone or should singles and triples enter the mix? A matter for discussion.
Lindsay Skinner opposes a minimum club number of entries. Graeme Morris considered a compromise where there could be both team and club divisions. This supported by Gary Brunton. Ideas for thought and room for input from clubs. 1st May 2005 will mark the beginning of the winter doubles.
Graeme Morris said that $732 has been donated to the NZ team from Wellington. The team leaves on 13 September. The team can be emailed and given messages of support at nzpetanqueteam~xtra.co.nz. Graeme will respond and give news and feedback. The team has made a big fundraising effort. A large Bastille Day dinner was organised by them as well as coaching and other ventures. Giorgio has had to withdraw and a replacement will be made. This team is well prepared.
The executive meeting last week was full and productive. National Petanque week is 23-31 October. What clubs can do by way of publicity: thought preferable to involve the wider community. Need to use media. Margret Fleck urged that media approaches be made well in advance for programming purposes. The September issue of North and South will feature an article on the NZ team.
An arbiter's course will be held in Australia between the Hanging Rock and Avoca tournaments and Barbara Whittington will be representing New Zealand.
Looking to put strategy in place to promote junior petanque on a co-ordinated national basis. Interested people are sought.
Brian has revamped copies of introductory brochures. Clubs will receive the first 50 free and a charge for extras.
All regional representatives will attend the next PNZ Council meeting. Items can be passed to Michael Rocks.
Held over
From 23 October, gives an opportunity to raise our profile and promote it. Porirua has long set a real example in a public place.
Clubs should let Michael know re. people for regional training squads. Need also to decide a team and a venue for the 'Clash' versus Canterbury.
Current ruling that one may represent only one club for the duration of a season. Inter-club spans 2 calendar years and so the rule could operate harshly. Various other anomalies can occur. A motion has been circulated. To be put to the vote. Carried.
They hope to affiliate with WPA and with 42 members. They will be invited to join.
Auckland Pétanque Assn. restricts participation to those who live within certain boundaries. An individual who lives outside those would like to play in the Wellington area without present club membership. Put to the meeting to discuss the matter with clubs and to email vote by 8 August.
The draft 2005 calendar was distributed with all known events. Open for feedback, amendments etc.
Louise Sligo