WPA Committee Meeting held on Thursday 17 February 2005

Held at the Silverstream Pétanque Club


Michael Rocks, Brian Smith, Tommy Werry, Diane Fletcher, Graeme Pilcher, Kath and Kaye Alison, Roy Zeier, Ralph and Alison Priddle, Liz Rocks, Beverley Mason, Maureen Wood, Bob & Shirley Wilde, Claire Bradburn, Shirley Nesbitt, Margret Fleck, Fran Beach, Alison Zuppicich, Louise Sligo


Gary Brunton, Susan Norman, Graeme Morris, Bernard Casey, Nyra Bentley. Moved: All in favour

Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read. All in favour.

Matters arising

There were no matters arising but mention was made with regret of the deaths of Phil Dowding (Masterton) and Frances Wilson (Otaki).




Moved that the Correspondence be received and confirmed: All in favour.

Financial Report

The financial statement was presented by Brian Smith.

Events Debrief

Women's Doubles and Triples

Discussion of letter written by Kapiti participants in the 2004 WPA women's doubles and triples tournaments and critical of format adopted.

Michael Rocks pointed out that this was not a regional tournament but primarily seen as an opportunity to prepare for women only events as in the Oceania tournament. It was a one-off event and run to Swiss format. He pointed out that this format has a 110 year history and that the PNZ have also used it as part of the Oceania selection process. It has been used in the past for women's singles and has the benefit of giving all a set number of games. Is widely used overseas as well as in N.Z. both seriously and socially.

Claire Bradburn felt the format was not so clear-cut as pool play can be and uncertain as to final play.

Michael added that the format had been well publicised in advance. As daylight saving time had no yet started it ensured that a competition could be completed within the day.

Fran Beach felt attitude of entrants to women's events was largely serious as distinct from a melee which was likely to be treated more socially.

Liz Rocks noted that overseas tournaments are usually segregated and so such events give women the chance to practice together. Very much a matter for personal choice.

Brian Smith supported this, reiterating the fact that NZ is quite unique with integration of players.

Michael Rocks will reply to the Kapiti letter.

Wellington Open Triples

The tournament went well. It is planned to advertise the tournament in Australia to create a circuit with the Avoca and Hanging Rock tournaments. These are well attended and are to be recommended. Open to all registered players, but a licence needs to be obtained by participants.

Upcoming events

Interclub scoring method

This item moved from General Business. See written submission from Silverstream. Current format has 31 points available each match which are accumulated over the 9 rounds. Some drawbacks and anomalies exist in the current system e.g., can win more games, but score less points overall since the team games are worth more than the singles. The proposal doesn't resolve this and in fact introduces a new anomaly in that a match can be tied on points despite there being an odd number of games.


Horowhenua have sent details of their April melee. Also the Khandallah Swiss Doubles.

Winter Competition

All clubs will be circulated regarding the format of the winter competition. A vote at the meeting was tied 4-4 for Doubles or Triples.

The venues are:

PNZ Report

The PNZ AGM and Council meeting will be held on the weekend of 9-10 April. As Regional delegate Michael would like any club or regional submissions to be forwarded as early as possible to ensure that they are added to the agenda.

The new PNZ structure is taking time to settle in, with communication being the big issue. In the absence of a magazine, a blog has been started. It is the place to go for information and also allows feedback.

The move to a regional structure means that it is up to the regions to decide on policy. Hence the request for club input into the process.

Margret Fleck raised the matter of funding for National teams. This has been a vexed area and is a matter for PNZ to address. A sub-committee has been formed to examine NZ's participation in international events.

Michael will be pushing for a national survey to determine the future direction of the PNZ. With only a small band of volunteers we have to be realistic in what we can actually achieve. However, before we can set any goals (like participation at the 2012 Olympics in Paris) we need to find out what the membership actually wants.


Brian noted that for NZ it was an outstanding result in the Oceania tournament. The tournament was scheduled to coincide with the Rotorua Arts festival, which guaranteed funding. The Arts Trust gave $15,000, but it was believed that the rest of the money would be provided by a grant from the NZ Community Trust.

Costs involved include accommodation, bus, trophies etc. Funding was initially declined by the NZCT, which meant a player levy of $100 had to be imposed to cover outstanding costs. Three days before the event the Southern Trust and the NZCT provided some funds.

There is a possibility that the donations made by clubs in the region may be refunded.

General Business

Matter of Silverstream's submission was covered under Tournament debrief.

Louise Sligo
Acting Secretary