Michael Rocks, Brian Smith, Fran Beach, Elizabeth Rocks, Kath and Kaye Alison, Graeme Morris, Iain Baine, Maureen Wood, Gary Brunton, Bob Wilde, Claire Bradburn, Faye Doyle, Alison Zuppicich, Louise Sligo
Lindsay Skinner, Neil Dykes, Susan and Dean Norman, Nyra Bentley, Barbara Nicholls, Barrie and Ngaere Sinclair
That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 February 2004 be accepted. Moved: Michael Rocks, Carried.
Re. Goal on coaching and structure - there had been so far no response for the call for a coaching co-ordinator. Faye and Kath said there may be interest from Kapiti membership but more details were required.
The correspondence was approved.
Brian circulated a statement of the current financial position. Moved by Michael Rocks that the Financial Report be accepted. Carried.
Champion of Champions concluded in March. Michael noted that a number of clubs are not participating and sought feedback as to likely reasons. Upper Hutt explained their position; doubles were forestalled by weather so hope to commence next round earlier in the year. Triples less certain due to numbers. Otaki found themselves in a similar position and will re-programme for next year. Michael queried whether eligibility rules were too restrictive e.g re. the availability of players and those who have membership of more than one club.
Clubs liked format etc adopted. Current winter doubles results to date circulated.
Greeme Morris told of new constitution and structure. Graeme is now the CEO. Trevor Neilson the Deputy CEO, Brian Smith is Treasurer and Barbara Whittington the Secretary. Chair of Council is Murray Porter.
Following selections the New Zealand team for the World Championships is G.Vakauta, A. Fletcher, C. Fouquet, I. Baker and Coach M. Emerson. Graeme the Manager and delegate.
The Trans-Tasman team is R. Sandilands, N. Ruta, M. Porter, G.Greer, D. Bavidge, S. Cannon, M. Rocks, D. Winnie. Coach is M. Emerson and Manager G. Morris and to be played at Clareville on Monday and Tuesday following on Queens Birthday weekend.
A meeting took place between SPARC and Graeme, Barbara Whittington re. suggestions and ideas for coaching structure and for ideas and assistance on funding. Regular contactand networking is proving beneficial.
Oceania tournament is scheduled for February in Rotorua and top petanque will be on view. P&eaciute;tanque week is the week before the National Doubles and thought to be given to how p&eaciute;tanque can be promoted in our own areas. Brian advised that a sum of money has been set aside for coaching purposes within the region - its allocation to be decided and should cover transport costs etc if the coach is to travel a distance.
For Oceania, an arbiter of International standard is required, which at present NZ lacks. There are two people from overseas who could be approached and possibly also run arbiter clinics here.
The regional venues for forthcoming National events are to be confirmed by PNZ and dates also to be struck. Matter of age-group competitions were also raised at PNZ and remains up for further discussion. Southern region is very well developed and administered and includes a Small Ball organisation to 'swell the ranks'.
“Goal: To develop a coaching and officiating structure and programme. A British model for umpiring qualification circulated. Barbara Whittington has progressed through several steps towards qualifying. Similarly Terry Holt, Dunedin. The coaching qualification has not been completed by anyone in the Wellington region. SPARC is interested in coaching stages specifically for pétanque and would assist in setting such up.”
At National level from the Singles on, a non-playing arbiter will be attached. Some problems lie with clubs currently not all playing to a uniform set of rules. An idea to appoint a coaching-coordinator for Wellington region and role would involve ascertaining club needs etc. $500 funding is available. Process for application being decided. Kapiti may have interested people Masterton is considering reinstating club coaching and some undertaken at Silverstream. Michael Rocks, Brian Smith and Dirk Winnie will be offering triples coaching at Kapiti. Clubs can do much in the way of self help with exercises for pointing, shooting and tactics. Otaki has a prospective member with strong referee experience.
Other duties for a coaching coordinator would include taking requests and communicating with clubs; arranging a suitable coach for a particular group having ascertained needs. Would initially respond to the WPA committee. Possible progression to National coaching - some funds available through the PNZ to cover costs. Michael Emerson has national team coaching expertise.
Graeme Morris has a very good tape of last year's World Championship Finals and if a suitable venue can be arranged, Graeme will show it. There are fine close up and slow motion shots. lain Baine will inquire at Lighthouse cinema Petone, Louise at the Upper Hutt Lighthouse for details and costs. Also an attractive suggestion to hang a big screen at Silverstream Bowling Club - and Liz Rocks may have a contact to supply this. Could be a fund raising opportunity for the World Championships.
Resource kits could be made up and collated for clubs to use on training days.
That the WPA make a grant of $500.00 to the PNZ World Championships travel fund. All were in favour. Carried.
Regional Training Squads which serve as a basis for team selection. Suggested that these be extended to provide training and increase the skill levels for all. Can be used in the selection process for regional events. Brian suggests that there be 3 squads each to a maximum of 12 people - and set to three levels with participants drawn from their local/regional performances. Brian will seek expressions of interest from those already noted.
Trophy needed for the next WPA meeting and draw. Otaki will participate.
Following on from correspondence re. Kapiti Club and scheduling of events. Kapiti has its own Sunday fixtures which can be disrupted by PNZ and WPA events. Clashes occur in particular when events are held on the first Sunday of a month as often occurs. To what extent can the WPA be involved or should schedules be set by individual clubs? Regional events generally precede National events by 2 weeks.
Bernadette Lawton and Ian Baker propose to have a diary out for 2006 to assist planning and so that clubs such as Kapiti may strike dates to be set aside for club events.
Brian has offered to coordinate the calendar for 2005 and will provide dates which will give Kapiti advance information.
The PNZ has made an application for funding from a trust. The WPA proposes to underwrite the sum of $200.00 towards the Trans-Tasman tournament. Players will be billeted. The WPA proposal was put to the meeting. Moved: Brian Smith. Seconded: Fay Doyle. All in favour.
Graeme Morris moved that Michael Rocks, Brian Smith and Dirk Winnie be congratulated for their National Triples Success. Carried
Louise Sligo