Brian Smith, Peter Ball, Gerard Pinguet, Daphne Hendrie, Maureen Wood, Shiriey McCauley, Tim Lovell-Smith, Louise Sligo, Peter Berrill, Lindsay Skinner, Gwen Hill, Ken Doyle, Beverley Mason, John Beard, Neil Dykes, Gordon Dykes, Anne Cook, Nan Page, David Page, Colleen Maher, John Mason, Patrick Smith, Han Stevens, Fran Beach, Liz Rocks, Michael Rocks, Roy Zeier, Graeme Morris, Perry Henderson, Dick Henderson.
Manawatu Petanque Club, Ian Baine, Wendy Lloyd, Ralph & Alison Priddle, Brenda Dykes, Lyn & Helen Skinner.
Moved: Lindsay Skinner; Seconded: Tim Lovell-Smith
No matters arising.
Written report presented. Moved: Peter Ball; Seconded: Neil Dykes
Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2001 tabled. Accounts audited by Peter Whittington
Moved: Neil Dykes; Seconded: John Beard
Peter Ball, Moved: Daphne Hendrie; Seconded: Lindsay Skinner
Brian Smith, Moved: Roy Zeier; Seconded: Neil Dykes
Brian Smith duly elected President
The meeting moved a vote of thanks to Peter Ball for his work as President of the WPA.
Louise Sligo, Moved: Tim Lovell-Smith; Seconded: Beverley Mason
No other nominations received. Louise Sligo duly elected Secretary.
Neil Dykes, Moved: Graeme Morris; Seconded: Patrick Smith
No other nominations received. Neil Dykes duly elected Treasurer.
Moved: "That Peter Whittington be appointed Auditor of the Wellington Petanque Association accounts".
Moved: Brian Smith; Seconded: Neil Dykes
Moved: "That the 2002 affiliation fee be set at $2.00 per club member with no cap on the club membership numbers".
Moved: Brian Smith; Seconded: Gerard Pinguet, Passed
The proposed draft of the WPA Constitution was tabled.
Moved that: "The draft WPA Constitution, with amendments, be accepted as the new WPA Constitution"
Moved: Peter Ball; Seconded: Ken Doyle, Passed
Liz Rocks expressed concern with some aspects of Kapiti's recent sponsorship from the Lion Foundation. Speaking for the Kapiti Pétanque Club Gwen Hill and Nan Page stated that it was Kapiti's business. However they went on to clarify the situation and explain the sponsorship arrangements.
Brian W Smith