Taking over as President from Dirk Winnie was a relatively painless affair as the Association was generally running well and providing a good service to the member clubs. However, with the difficulty in obtaining a Secretary and deciding the procedure for replacement it was soon realised that the Constitution was deficient in several areas and this would have to be addressed in the coming year. Fortunately, Brian Smith came once again to the rescue and volunteered to continue be acting Secretary for the year. Thanks once again Brian for helping us out.
The Constitution has taken many months to come to fruition, with the help of at least three of our members, Gwen Hill, Michael Rocks and Louise Sligo (Louises legal background has certainly been a great help). A draft Constitution has been published for some time now, and with plenty time for further input from all members I expect that the document will now be accepted with only minor changes. Thanks to all for their input.
A Code of Practise for Hosting was released this year, which sets down the minimum standards acceptable for clubs hosting Regional events. This was formulated after comments on safety and facilities from some members, and although modelled on the NZPA document it is not as stringent. I expect Clubs to use this as a guide when hosting for the benefit of all.
We welcomed the Levin club into the WPA this year. Attached to the Levin Bowling Club, this club started with 13 members but has since gained some new converts and continues to grow and fill a need in the Horowhenua area. Although not yet well represented in the Regional activities they continue to find their feet and will no doubt make their presence felt later in the year.
But although we gained one more club, the total paid up membership of the Association is 13 down on the previous year. Analysis of the figures shows that whilst three clubs showed a membership gain of 9, six clubs lost 35 members. Sometimes it seems that despite our best efforts members drift away, and we must ask ourselves if we are catering to members needs and how can we attract new members. Im sure that this will occupy the minds of the Club Presidents over the next year.
With involvement in the Sport Wellington programme for introducing sports into schools, and the initiative of several clubs involving schools in their local areas, youth are not being neglected in the search for new members. Initiatives of some clubs in getting the public involved are also very much appreciated in the furtherance of the sport.
The WPA continues to hold regional Championship events for the benefit and develop of all members. Singles, doubles and triples events have been held, with the format of each still being subject to some development. It is recognised that it is very difficult to structure a tournament that runs the required length of time and yet provides a suitable test for the eventual winners. Our Tournament Coordinator Brian Smith does his very best, but please be understanding if some do run longer than intended.
Remember that in many cases the answer is in your own hands - heed the one minute rule!
Some new innovations this past year has been the Women's Singles and Champion of Champion tournaments.
In previous years the Women's Singles had been poorly attended and we were not sure how this year would go. From the support given and the good entry numbers, it was definitely popular, and players were enthusiastic to continue the event as a permanent on the WPA calendar.
The Champion of Champion tournaments were not so well supported, but we did end up with singles and doubles champions. The events will continue to run and we will take heed of some of the comments from member clubs regarding the scheduling of the events. My thanks go to Ken Doyle of the Kapiti Club for his initiative in starting these events.
The Winter League continues to be a very popular series. This coming year, run by Michael Rocks, the format will include singles, doubles and triples, and also indude some innovations to attract all clubs to participate. I know that there will be a high participation rate from clubs.
A design was commissioned for the design of a suitable logo to be used on letterhead and documents, and to be suitable for use as a badge. The eventual design has proved to be quite a success, and as well as being suitable for letterheads and badges, has been applied to polo shirts. They look very smart, and the badges in particular are very good as give aways to other clubs etc. We still have a stock of these available so please don't hesitate to contact our treasurer for your needs.
Another new innovation this year has been the Regional News Sheet which is distributed to all clubs usually shortly after the WPA committee meeting. Containing a brief rundown of news and activities from all clubs I hope that it assists in keeping your members up with what's on in the Region and what other clubs are doing. Please continue to contribute as you have in the past, for it is a very useful vehicle for lethng others know just what you and your club is doing.
Thanks to Helen Ball for continuing with its production.
These have been introduced to recognise excellence by indicating winners of WPA regional events. Once again popular items, but they have to earned and cannot be bought.
Our Treasurer has provided his financial report, which indicates that the WPA is in a healthy financial position by continuing to fund tournaments from entry fees, which are kept down to a minimum to ensure that as many members as possible are able to participate.
We will continue to support the NZPA in its endeavours to promote Pétanque within New Zealand and to send teams overseas with the resources at our disposal.
Our Treasurer will comment further on his report later in this meeting.
It is most gratifying to see that many of our clubs are now organising events of Regional size and quality for the benefit of all our members. This is especially true of the larger clubs, who have the facilities, and the opportunity of members to play in "different" events such as melees, three boule triples and swiss doubles is much appreciated. But smaller clubs can also run smaller events which can be good fund raisers.
With a plethora of events now available the only problem is now how to fit them into the calendar, and inevitably choices have to be made as to which events to support!
The WPA continues to be a very active body that excels in providing an interesting and challenging programme of activities for the development of our players. The standard of play has increased to such a level that it is now impossible to pick winners, and Wellington players can foot it with the best in New Zealand. There is no shortage of quality events in the Region for the player at any level to enter, and this can only be good for the development of the sport.
It has been my privilege to be President of the Association for the past year, and I have appreciated the support that you have accorded me, for without the member clubs there is no Association.
I am indebted to the members of the committee, particulaily to Brian Smith for his unstinting support and many suggestions and innovations throughout the year, and to Neil Dykes for his efficient keeping of the books.
I am in no doubt that you will continue to support the WPA in the coming year as you have in the past.
Peter Ball
WPA President
2001 - 2002