Brian Smith, Dirk Winnie (Upper Hutt), Daphne Hendrie, Maureen Wood, Shirley McCauley, Janet Partridge (Hataiatai), Tim Lovell-Smith, Marsha Donaldson, Peter Berrill (Silverstream), Rex Hayes, Peter Ball, Fay Doyle, Harl Stevens (Kapiti), Brenda & Neil Dykes (Khandallah), Brian Thatcher (Park Avenue), Lindsay Skinner, John Beard (Porirua).
Michael Rocks, Gordon Dykes (Khandallah), Barbara Whittngton (Park Avenue), Graeme Morris (Masterton), Lyn Skinner (Porirua), Gerard Pinguet (Wellington)
Moved Lindsay, Seconded Daphne
No matters arising.
Written report presented. Moved Dirk, Seconded Fay
Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2000 tabled. Moved Brian Seconded Janet
Accounts audited by Peter Whittington
Move: "That the 2001 affiliation fee be set at $2.00 per club member with no cap on the club membership numbers"
Moved Brian, Seconded Lindsay, Passed
Budget tabled and discussed
Moved Fay, Seconded Neil, Passed
No other nominations received. Peter and Brenda duly elected.
Peter thanked Dirk for his contribution to the WPA.
Moved: "That a co-opted position of Tournament Coordinator be established".
Moved: Brian, Seconded: Daphne, Passed
Moved: "That Brian Smith be the Tournament Coordinator for 2001".
Moved: Fay, Seconded: Lindsay, Passed
There being no General Business the meeting ended at 7:58pm
Brian W Smith