Minutes of Wellington Pétanque Association Committee Meeting 20 June 2002


Brian Smith, Gerard Pinguet, Daphne Hendrie, Janet Partridge, Graham Hooper, Beverley Mason, Gwen Hill, Keith Mills, Tim Lovell-Smith, Lindsay Skinner, Neil Dykes, Brenda Dykes, Anne Cook, Michael Rocks, Graeme Morris, Ralph Priddle, Roy Zeier, Peter Evison, Louise Sligo


Fran Beach, Maureen Wood, Ngaere and Barry Sinclair, Tony Packer

Minutes 18 April 2002

Minutes of 18 April 2002 be accepted. Moved: Brian Smith Seconded:Daphne Hendrie

Matters Arising





Financial Report

Bank a/c @ 13.6.02 $3,089.07 General Fund $1,802.07 Travel Fund (20% tournament fees) $1,287.00: Outgoings for Park Ave piste hire; secretarial stamps & stationery; Teistra Clear account.

Moved that the Financial Report be accepted. Moved: Neil Dykes, Seconded: Lindsay Skinner

The Committee thanked Neil for his ongoing services as Treasurer

WPA Interclub Winter League

Renaming the winning club trophy

The overall winning club receives the Obut Cup. Brian moved that this be renamed the Peter Berrill Cup. Michael Rocks felt it better the Obut Cup be retained with a Triples Cup still to be purchased, named for Peter. Tim Lovell-Smith advised that Silverstream had earlier discussed the contributing of miniatures for the winning club. However, Silverstream will look into the pricing and purchase of a new Triples Cup and report back.

WPA and its Objectives

Brian pointed out that the WPA was originally organised as a forum to support clubs and discuss objectives etcetera. Now with clubs well established it may be timely to review objectives as set out in the Constitution. Particularly those of fostering, coaching and promoting the sport. Brian believed a sense of purpose needed to be restored. Daphne said Michael should be commended for a breakthrough in getting the media to publish tournament results.

If more still needs to be done, the question is, what can the WPA offer clubs and what do they expect of it?

Keith Mills said Kapiti was active in promoting pétanque among the young in schools. The Alliance Francaise also has plans for pétanque in schools. Graeme noted that from a National perspective, the matter of Junior Representatives will require thought.

Lindsay Skinner said by faxing through information, Porirua Club gets regular mention in the Kapi Mana News.

Brian of the opinion we need to aspire to next level of objectives and suggested that perhaps experts (as in Sport Wellington) could be asked for an outside appraisal.

Suggestions/ideas presented by Brian to be discussed by Clubs:

Would like outcomes from discussion at club level available for the next WPA Committee meeting.

Brenda queried if there was a need for sponsorship so that for instance, some remuneration could go to coaching. Suggestion above for a sub-committee for promotion could include sponsorship.

General Business

NZPA Report

Calendar Update


Daphne reported on visit to Berhampore ground which features Bocce and with petanque areas. Said facilities were excellent. Janet felt there would be merit in putting it to use for pétanque. Gerard wondered if Council may have this site in mind for the forthcoming Special Olympics. Council had indicated to Gerard they were open to suggestion for its use. Construction means the terrain is very soft and will need a good deal of use to settle.

Gwen Hill mentioned current concerns about Bocce at Kapiti - the District Council referring bocce players to the pétanque club when the 2 sports have different requirements and structures. Both the WPA and NZPA assured Kapiti they would be willing to help as needed with any problems Kapiti may encounter regarding the use of the terrains.

Louise Sligo