Brian Smith, Peter Ball, Gerard Pinguet, Daphne Hendrie, Maureen Wood, Shirley McCauley, Tim Lovell-Smith, Louise Sligo, Peter Berrill, Lindsay Skinner, Gwen Hill, Ken Doyle, Beverley Mason, John Beard, Neil Dykes, Gordon Dykes, Anne Cook, Nan Page, David Page, Colleen Maher, John Mason, Patrick Smith, Harl Stevens, Fran Beach, Liz Rocks, Michael Rocks, Roy Zeier, Graeme Morris, Perry Henderson, Dick Henderson
Ian Baine (Park Avenue)
Minutes of 14 February 2002 be accepted. Moved: Brian Smith, Seconded: John Beard
There were no matters arising.
Bank a/c @ 2.4.02 $3,437.41 General Fund $1,964.41 Travel Fund (20% tournament fees) $1,473.00.
Moved that the Financial Report be accepted. Moved: Neil Dykes, Seconded: Lindsay Skinner
Anne Cook reported that it is in progress.
Brian Smith noted that Triples would follow a 2 day format. There are still aspects of the format Brian would like to alter.
Daphne Hendrie queried whether there could be an alternative to the term Consolation. Brian said other suggestions would be welcomed, but favours it so far for the extra opportunity it gives to players to progress through a tournament.
On behalf of the Masterton Club, Graeme Morris urged that once rules have been put in place for a tournament, that they not be subject to alteration without a general consensus.
Brian showed an example of a trophy with the NZPA logo on glass that could similarly serve as a "keepsake" trophy for WPA tournaments and at a cost of approximately $22 each
Moved that these be accepted. Moved: Brian Smith, Seconded: Gwen Hill
Michael Rocks speaking on behalf of Khandallah stated that some members have objected to players smoking on the pistes during play. He put forward a Non-Smoking during the course of play policy. He advised that such a policy could assist with sources of sponsorship that may be sought. In the future, Khandallah will notify the policy as a condition of panticipafion on its entry forms. Such a policy was supported by Gordon Dykes who noted the "bad look" that smoking on the pistes can give.
It was then put to the vote as to whether such a clause should be added to the tournament protocols.
Moved: That no smoking be permitted on a piste during the course of play. Moved: Beverley Mason, Seconded: Colleen Maher Passed by a show of hands.
Michael Rocks advised that the format had been circulated with a closing date for entries. Clubs to provide a nominal seeding of their entrants.
Peter Ball asked for comment on aspects of the format such as the limiting of game playing times. Michael said that the main rationale was the likelihood of inclement winter weather and limits on playing times allows people to leave at a reasonable hour; it reduces waiting times between games and encourages participation. A set lunch break gives members of various clubs the opportunity to mix.
Gerard Pinguet felt adherence to the one-minute rule by itself would overcome delays.
Ken Doyle asked about points to be awarded in the event of a draw. Michael replied that in such cases an extra end would be allowed.
Daphne Hendrie observed that it was possible that a larger number of entries could in fact disadvantage a club
Draw for the next round: At this stage, the Manawatu and Levin Clubs have elected not to participate in the challenge. The final challenge for the current round is with Upper Hutt on 28.4.02.
Draw conducted for the next round commencing in May. In the following order: Khandallah (May), Silverstream (June), Park Avenue (July), Porirua (August), Hataitai (September), Wellington (October), Kapiti (November), Upper Hutt (December).
Gordon Dykes expressed an interest in viewing good video coverage of our NZ team's play at the World Championships. Ken Doyle would like to see a positive spinoff in terms of better exposure of the NZ team's skills.
Brian Smith referred to the financial difficulties in covering the costs of team travel etc. and the fact that the Hillary Commission grants appear to be under review.
Graeme Morris said there was a move towards a regional structure and being co-ordinated to a national policy on coaching etcetera. Graeme was also willing to offer his own observations as team manager to any clubs requesting that. He noted the possibility of a forthcoming Trans-Tasman series and also future women's and junior championship events.
Brian Smith reminded of the essential importance of the social nature of clubs.
Brian will continue with the calendar update. Neil Dykes noted for inclusion a Bastille Training day with shooting, pointing and strategy coaching.
Anne Cook suggested a reassessment of sub-committees.
Hataital will explore a Berhampore club that was recently depicted in The Evening Post
The Levin Club has had media publicity also.
Lindsay Skinner reported a successful intra-club tournament at Porirua with 14 of its 15 members participating.
Louise Sligo