Gerald Bryan, Shirley McCauley (Hataitai)
Peter & Helen Ball, Dick Henderson, Gwen Hill, Ken Doyle, Harl Stevens (Kapiti)
Michael Rocks, Neil & Brenda Dykes (Khandallah)
Ralph Prlddle, Graeme Morris (Masterton)
Anne Cook (Park Avenue)
John Beard, Lindsay Skinner (Porirua)
Tim Lovell-Smith, Peter Berrill (Silverstream)
Brian Smith (Upper Hutt)
Fran Beach (Upper Hutt), Gerard Pinguet (Wellington), Barbara Whittington (Park Avenue), Manawatu Petanque Club, Daphne Hendrie (Hataitai)
Hataitai did not agree to run a novice open Regional Tournament.
Should be: 'B Dykes has resigned as Secretary, and a person was approached for their name to go forward.' The sentence beginning 'However a change of mind ... without a Secretary' is incorrect.
The sentence beginning 'Brenda Dykes has ...' should read 'Brenda Dykes is producing a booklet on How To Form a Club for the NZPA.'
Moved that the minutes of 21.6.01 be accepted. Moved: Lindsay Skinner Seconded: Gwen Hill
Brenda gave presentation on the logo re use on lapel badges, a banner and embroidering on shirts etc.
Lapel Badges: 250 badges; Die cost $150; Badge $3.50 each. Total: $875
Banner: Fabric with screen printing $295; foldaway pole and bag etc $162. Total: $457.
Embroidery: Set up $80; per garment $6.95
Moved: 'That the colours of the logo remain the same no matter in what form the logo is produced'
Moved: Lindsay Skinner, Seconded: Gerald Bryan. Motion passed by majority. Against: Brian Smith
Moved: 'That the WPA have 250 lapel badges produced'
Moved: Graeme Morris, Seconded: Peter Berrill. Motion passed.
Moved: 'That the production of the WPA banner be carried out when finances allow.'
Moved: Brenda Dykes, Seconded: Ralph Priddle. Motion passed.
Moved: 'That a Sub Committee be formed to look at and propose any changes to the WPA constitution.'
Moved: Neil Dykes, Seconded: Ken Doyle. Motion passed.
Gwen Hill and Michael Rocks agreed to go onto the Sub Committee.
Agreed to carry over to another meeting.
Ken Doyle to proceed with investigation of format and interest.
The NZPA is producing a booklet based around Section A. Section B on tournaments is to be rewritten.
Helen to produce first issue of newsletter.
Meeting voted on the venue for the championships. There were 8 votes for Park Avenue and 1 vote for Kapiti.
The venue is Park Avenue (Note: no alcohol allowed to be brought into Park Avenue). Entry fee: $10 per person.
Report tabled. Current Assets (cash): $3,376.26. Moved that the Financial Report accepted. Moved: Neil Dykes, Seconded: Lindsay Skinner
The Levin Petanque Club has asked to become affiliated to the WPA.
Moved: 'That the Levin Petanque Club become affiliated to the Wellington Petanque Association.'
Moved: Peter Ball, Seconded: Harl Stevens. Motion passed.
Invoices to be sent out. Affiliation Fee due by 31.10.01.
Brian outlined a proposal to permit players outside the Wellington Region to play in the Doubles and Triples Championships. It would allow doubles and triples to have one non Wellington Region player in the team. This would increase the range of competitive players and ultimately increase the standard of petanque in the Wellington Region.
The meeting rejected the proposal but agreed that a Wellington Open Championship could best meet this need. The meeting noted the already crowded tournament calendar and therefore finding a suitable date could be a problem.
Graeme summarised the current situation re the World Championship Team.
Graeme spoke at a meeting of the Kapiti Committee about the role of the NZPA. Gwen & Ken attended a Sport Wellington meeting on ‘Young People in Sport’.
The Swiss Doubles series is progressing well. Money raised to go towards the World Championships Team.
Awarded the 2002 NZPA national Triples. To be held at Clareville.
Liasing with the Lower Hutt WEA to run classes on playing pétanque.
Held AGM. John Beard elected as Chair, Lindsay Skinner as Club Captain. Sports workshop put on by Porirua City Council
Held training day. Neil & Gordon did the training. Gordon assessed for his coaching certificate. Invitation Melee with Kapiti 9.9.01. Quiz night on 27.10.01.
To hold an Open Day on 14.10.01.
Gerald raised the issue of how to attract new club members. Meeting decided to form a Strategic Development Sub Committee. Anne Cook and Michael Rocks nominated for the Sub Committee.
A sports exhibition is being held at Te Papa over Labour Weekend. Pétanque to be involved?
The challengers for the next round of the Jacques Cochonnet were found. They are:
It was moved: 'That if the holder of the Jacques Cochonnet trophy loses the first match of a new round, they become the last challenger of that round.'
Moved: Graeme Morris, Seconded: Lindsay Skinner. Motion passed.
The Manawatu and Levin Petanque clubs would be approached to see if they were interested in participating in the Jacques Cochonnet Challenge. If both clubs said yes, they would be included in the next challenge round.
The Open Polytechnic Petanque is part of the Open Polytechnic Social Club. Some members belong to other petanque clubs and participate in the Jacques Cochonnet Challenge.
This meeting closed at 9:45 pm.
Brian Smith agreed to continue as Secretary for the remainder of 2001.
Brian Smith