P Ball (President)
D Hendrie, S McCauley (Hataitai)
H Ball, A Moss, D Page, C Maher, B Mason, K Doyle, G Hill (Kapiti)
N Dykes, G Dykes, M Rocks (Khandallah)
G Morris, R Priddle (Masterton)
B Whittington (Park Ave)
J Beard, L Skinner (Porirua)
P Berrill, T Lovell-Smith (Silverstream)
F Beach, B Smith (Upper Hutt)
G Pinguet, P Evison (Wellington)
Neil Dykes (Khandallah) was confirmed as Treasurer.
B Dykes has resigned as Secretary, and replacement Secretary had been arranged. However, a change of mind at the last moment and without notice resulted in the WPA being without a Secretary.
All members requested to approach their club members and forward suitable names to the President as soon as possible for the filling of the position.
Helen Ball volunteered to take meeting notes.
Copies distributed. Website payments discussed. Arrangement of NZPA website will be resolved at NZPA meeting in July. NZPA will be billed at the appropriate time.
Report moved Neil, Seconded Tim, passed.
Petrol costs for President were discussed. President requested that petrol costs associated with official functions requiring the presence of the President (not tournaments where he is playing) be paid by the Association. Meeting did not agree to costs for attending Committee meeting (it was therefore suggested that the meetings could be held in Kapiti).
Moved Ken Seconded Peter Berrill "That a $10 flat rate be paid for functions within the region, 10c per km outside the region". Passed.
Entries close 22 July, seedings and names required from Clubs by that date. Format discussed, agreed to be very acceptable.
Being played just before Daylight Saving but Brian did not see this as a problem. Dates of 29 - 30 September confirmed.
Kapiti and Park Ave have put in bids for the tournament. To be decided next meeting.
Design accepted.
Moved Daphne, Seconded Graeme that - "The wording beneath the logo be Petanque Wellington" - passed.
Moved Ralph, seconded Brian "That $100 be paid to the designer for finalisation of the design" - passed.
P Ball to proceed to organise letterhead, t shirt and web designs and to gather costs for lapel badge.
As all clubs now have a copy and supplies have run out Brian felt it was now time for an update. NZPA have offered to produce updated section A (how to play), section B (Tournaments) to come later.
WPA can still produce original if required.
Graeme commented that it is better to have one standard document for all clubs rather than each region having their own.
Brenda Dykes has also expressed interest in producing a booklet on how to form a club.
The President directed that Brian liaise with Gerard on the content of the first section.
Gordon has completed a Stage One Sport Wellington coaching seminar with the intention of introducing and coaching younger players (these seminars only introduce the basics of the coaching process, not how to play the game).
Some clubs are carrying out their own coaching (e.g. Porirua and Manawatu) and the need was expressed for the WPA to hold a session on "coaching the coaches" for rules of the game etc.
Gerard only too pleased to hold a suitable seminar clubs are to ubmitonaor tw~-narnes to him These should not necessarily be the best players in the club, but those who have the ability to pass on information and relate to others.
Moved Ken Seconded Peter Berrill "That the WPA proceed with a 'Coaching for Coaches' seminar as soon as possible" - passed.
Graeme also mentioned an Abiter's course being proposed by the NZPA. He is to determine if there is much interest in the Wellington area.
The President pointed out anomalies between the WPA constitution and the way the WPA operates. He is happy the way it operates, and the Constitution must be revised to reflect it. Papers with suggested amendments handed out with the instruction to study it and come back with comments for next meeting.
Brian expressed the need for a suitable newsletter for all clubs to keep them involved and up to date with developments in the Region. New clubs are joining and not all have access to the Internet, Committee notes tend to be "dry" and not read.
Helen Ball agreed to produce suitable document.
Moved Brian Seconded Gwen "That the WPA proceed with setting up a quarterly Regional News sheet" - passed.
Moved Brian Seconded Daphne "That the WPA donate $500 towards travel costs of the NZ rep team to the World Champs in Monaco in September" - passed.
Graeme has been appointed Team Manager and will attend subject to finance being
Now available - clubs reminded.
Suggestion from Hataitai for the WPA to run a Novice Open Regional Tournament. Kapiti have such a tournament planned, and they are asked to liaise with Hataitai on setting up and running such a tournament after they have gained experienced with theirs.
Kapiti suggested such a tournament between smaller clubs. Idea to be publicised and Ken to work with Brian for ideas before next Committee Meeting.
2 day meeting scheduled for 7 & 8 July
Report circulated. Continuing with coaching at colleges. Have obtained finance from Hillary Commission for help with coaching activities. Require help from WPA for Petanque Awareness Week to be held later this year.
Jacques Cochonnet taken from Masterton. "Brains & Boules" quiz evening to be held to raise money for World Champs.
AGM last month - Peter Berrill elected new chairman. Melee at Park Avenue in July. Melee with Kapiti in September.
Club singles and doubles held, extremely good participation (50%, 80%). Ladder system doing well. Contribution to world champs of $200 made. Mid Winter pot luck lunch to be held in July (fun and serious petanque).
Have novices now playing in interclub singles. Coaching classes now being held at Mana College. Membership now 14.
AGM Sunday 25 June. July 1, Hataitai Handicap Melee with mulled wine. 22 July novices training day - $3 entry. $223.80 raised for NZPA world champs travel fund, further Swiss Doubles proceeds to go to this fund.
Michael Rocks has developed sports contacts at the Evening Post and is interested in forwarding results from all clubs for publication - CLUBS PLEASE NOTE.
Mid Winter tournament another great success. "Not Bastille Day" tournament July 29
Quiet at moment, club singles champs 10 entries Sunday 24 June. Open Day Sept-Oct for new member drive.
Quiet. Now hold video tape of World Champs.
AGM held. Money Tree at WPA League Singles and Doubles for World Champs funds. Pistes changed round to equalise wear on terrain. Klaw challenge to be held after daylight saving.
President advised of new club starting in Levin, part of Levin Bowling Club with 14 members. Has invited them to join WPA, look very positive.
This meeting closed at 9:45 pm.
Helen Ball - Scribe