Minutes of Committee Meeting, 7:30 pm, 19 April 2001


Brian Smith(Chairperson), Brenda Dykes (Secretary)
Daphne Hendrie, Shirley McCauley (Hataitai)
Neil Dykes, Liz & Michael Rocks (Khandallah)
Graeme Morris (Masterton)
Anne Cook (Park Avenue)
John Beard (Porirua)
Tim Lovell-Smith, Clare Bradburn, Hunter Donaldson (Silverstream)
Fran Beach (Upper Hutt)
Peter Evison (Wellington)


Peter Ball (President), Lindsay Skinner (Porirua), Barbara Whittington (Park Avenue), Ralph Priddle (Masterton)

Minutes 15 February 2001

Moved: Daphne, Seconded: Brian

Matters Arising


Financial Report

Debrief of Regional Triples

Entries for 2000 were 18 and entries for 2001 had risen to 24. Those present agreed with Peter Ball that the Singles & Doubles should be held on one day each. However Liz pointed out the toumaments would always need to be held during daylight saving. All agreed

WPA Interclub Doubles and Singles


Starting times to be advised ASAP after May 6. Cost: $5 per player. All entries via clubs.

Dates and Venues: May 20 - Park Ave, June 17 - Clareville, July 15 - Kapiti


Starting times to be advised ASAP after July 22. Cost $10 per team. All entries via clubs.

Dates and Venues: August 5 - Kapiti, August 26 - Clareville, September 16 - Park Ave

Graeme pointed out the $50 charge for the Clareville A & P Society Showgrounds. Brian said this would not be a problem and the cost could come out of the takings of entry fees.

Neil suggested future leagues could be played around the region at different venues for variety and to handle growing numbers of entries. Hataitai were very keen on this idea

NZPA Report

Graeme gave a report from the AGM held at Easter at Rotorua

Office holders

Christian Fouquet (Auck) - President
Graeme Morris (Wgtn) - Vice President
Barbara Whittington (Wgtn) - Secretary
Brian Smith (Wgtn) - Treasurer & National Tournament and Seeding Coordinator
Terry Holt (Sthn) - Committee
Murray Porter (HB) - Committee
Trevor Neilson (Rotorua) - new election to the committee
Steve Thwaites (Chch) - new election to the committee

Note: In accordance with to the NZPA constitution this will be Christian's third and last year as President.

Coopted Committee Members:
Ian Baker (Auck) - National Kiwi Petanque Coordinator
Diane Findlay (Chch) - National Club Database Coordinator

Rotorua suggested adopting a 50% rotation of the committee each year. This was discussed at the AGM but discounted as impractical.

Affiliation fees

The new fee structure of $5 per club member was passed

Because of the restrictions with many Pétanque clubs being part of other clubs it was not possible to affiliate clubs as members to the NZPA and by charging each individual club member a fee this would in essence affiliate the club. The clubs would be billed as at their membership on 31 December.

Daphne (Hataitai) voiced strong concems and was unhappy clubs were given insufficient time to discuss this prior to the AGM.

A lengthy debate followed but all other clubs present recognised the need for clubs or individuals to affiliate to the national body. This would bring Pétanque in line with all other sporting codes.

Graeme & Brian outlined the programme planned for the NZPA in the coming year including, comprehensive umpire training, coaching training, and a brochure and series of instructive booklets which will be produced and made available to clubs.

It was suggested the competitive players sell this idea to their clubs but it was also recognised not all clubs would choose to affiliate.

Calendar Update

Club Reports


Report from Barry Sinclair circulated.


Lights are now up and all players in the region are invited to attend Tuesday evening play from 6pm onwards. Daphne & Gerald to attend Level I coaching at Sport Wgtn.


Hosting a Melee on May 6, Outstanding open day for new pistes with increase of 5 or 6 new members. Attendance of French Ambassador a highlight and Tim suggested the WPA make him an honorary member.
NB Brenda to write an introductory letter with a general invitation to attend future WPA events.

Park Ave

Raised $140 with the raffle at the Regonial Triples. Thanks to Brian who helped the club run a successful club Doubles championship - Winners Barbara & Peter Whittington


15 attended the evening classes with the prospect of 4 or 5 new members The club finds this a successful formula for bringing in new members and raising funds.


Swiss Singles planned for Sunday April 22 is full and has reserves. The Handicap Triples was very successful with 38 entries and wonderful weather.


Club Singles championships held last Saturday. The club now equals the record of 6 consecutive wins of the Jacques Cochonnet with a defence of the trophy next Sunday against Upper Hutt. Entry forms for the Midwinter undercover toumament will be available very shortly and the club has applied for the NZ Tnples Easter 2002 - at Clareville

Upper Hutt

AGM held 2 weeks ago with the new club contact Dawn Cormack and Club Captain Fran Beach. Looking forward to the JC challenge on Sunday and the invite to the melee at Silverstream. One new member and one hot prospect. Planning to invite the indoor bowlers to the piste to tempt them with Pétanque.


Recharging the batteries. Gerard will be back in the country in one week's time

General Business

  1. Inter club Internet Communications Officers - all clubs provided a contact except Upper Hutt who will need to have their information sent by post
  2. Logo Design - a selection of was circulated and members agreed the need for a simple design similar to the NZPA logo but using the yellow and black colours. Euan to continue development with the final decision agreed can be made with members consultation prior to the next meeting. Cost for logo design $100 includes a free flag design
  3. Hosting regional championships - discussed the need for host clubs to provide score boards - agreed Liquor licencing laws of the host club to be observed.
  4. Distribution of video's etc would be from clubs in the north to the south. Upper Hutt presently has the Portugal WC video.
  5. Gordon will also be attending the Sport Wgtn level I coaching in June.
  6. Sport Wellington Luncheon - minutes previously circulated. Brenda discussed the benefits of WPA involvement - good networking. Discussed the Masters Games - reaction from the table was lukewarm. Suggest WPA could purchase the Running a Club set of modules but members wanted more info before committing themselves. Brenda to show examples of modules next meeting.
  7. Michael suggested the WPA take over the Women's Singles from Upper Hutt. Discussed the requirement to send women to overseas events. Women only events are probably the better way to select rather than on seeding. Fran would need to discuss this with her committee but there was no reason the UH club and the WPA could not hold a tournament each.
    The proposal put to the meeting: "The WPA runs an annual Women's Singles tournament." Moved: Michael Seconded: Brian
  8. Brian also suggest a 'Limited Entry' men's singles tournament be held at the same time.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 10:18 pm

Brenda Dykes